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Gene yawned and put a spoonful of scrambled eggs into his open mouth. As he chewed and relished the foreign tastes of Raphael's most delicious breakfast he slowly became more awake. "And what is this thing I might appreciate?"

Gene watched the red and golden shadows of the fire dance across the Daemon's features. Raphael grinned, as crafty as ever. "What do you say to leaving this place — I don't only mean this Pandemonium, but Hell altogether — and return to Thisside?"

Gene let out a thoughtful hum, although his mind was still slow from sleep. He ate some more before he murmured: "I thought we can never leave Hell again. Is it really so easy to up and leave?"

Raphael smirked, his anthracite eyes sparkling with the thrill of adventure: "Well, this is where the challenge begins. We can't have anybody know we're leaving."

Gene nodded. "I see," he accepted easily, sipped on his tea and finished his breakfast. "But why do you want to leave all of a sudden? Didn't you say you liked it here?"

In the flutter of an eyelash Raphael hesitated. "I do," he admitted, "but you don't. And isn't going on a treasure hunt more exciting than walking this Pandemonium of darkness for eternity?"

He had to agree. Gene didn't like this place very much. He couldn't see more than the small purview of the campfire, and beyond the soothing flames the darkness swallowed everything. As he didn't have notable night-vision, like every human, this place was pretty uninviting to his kind. And treasure hunting sounded quite like an adventure. "Treasure hunting, huh?" he repeated, a languid smile on his lips. "Tell me, where did you find the treasure maps for that?"

Again Raphael grinned. "I didn't. But I know where the treasures are. Well, at least I think I do. If they are someplace else, this'll be where the real treasure hunt will begin."

Gene nodded. He didn't need to think twice. "Alright. I'm game," he smiled, "Where you go, I'll go. And if we get out of this place the sooner the better." He stood and helped Raphael pack their things. After dousing the campfire with a splash of water Gene was glad Raphael took his hand then led the way through the blackness of the jungle. A bit clumsily Gene stumbled after him, but he trusted his lover to find the way. He just hoped they didn't take two months to find another portal to a different place, as they had already traveled as long.

After what seemed like hours of stumbling and tripping in the dark Raphael halted and Gene bumped into his back. "Ow. Sorry," Gene murmured.

"Don't mind," Raphael murmured back, "now to open this portal..." He spoke some mystic syllables, and before Gene's eyes the portal glowed as it sprang into existence and vapour wafted through. Faint rays of light shone from the other side of the portal and Gene sighed in relief as he followed Raphael into another realm.

"Ugh." Gene blinked. After two months in total darkness he wasn't used to the light anymore, thus shielded his eyes with his hands. But it felt good nonetheless, as if a dreadful weight had been lifted from his heart.

"Come on. Let's hurry," Raphael suggested and walked on at a fast pace. Gene assumed he was just as eager as him to leave. Soon his eyes grew accustomed to the different lighting, and it was actually not that bright, just... not as dark. He followed the Daemon towards the next portal, wishing he had the time to admire and explore this wondrous place. But leaving Hell was more important, he supposed. And going back to Thisside seemed like a much better and less dangerous prospect, as Raphael had once warned him about the many dangers the Otherside posed. Besides, he still felt very much alive, so he wondered why he should not be in the realm of the living instead. He would feel much more comfortable there, he assumed.

When they reached another portal Raphael opened it for them. On the other side lay a foggy land that reminded Gene of the one where Thanatos's office building lay. "Are we going to meet up with Thanatos and take him along?" he therefore asked.

But Raphael shook his head and took Gene's hand again, so he wouldn't get lost in the mist. "No. This time we can't have Ta-chin know, especially not him. He would stop us," he explained.

"Because he's worried for us? Is this adventure so dangerous again?" Gene wondered.

"Because it's his job," Raphael answered somberly, a grim frown on his face. "He's a Reaper after all."

"Oh," Gene let out sadly. "Won't he turn a blind eye, just this once? He's your best friend, isn't he?" he hoped, but followed Raphael nonetheless.

"He won't. I'm certain. If I know one thing about Thanatos Vulture, it's that he is hellbent on his principles and duties as a Reaper. Maybe he will hunt us even more fiercely than his colleagues, as we're his responsibility," Raphael uttered as he marched through the mist as if it wasn't even there to disturb the view of their path. Gene was just glad his lover knew where to go.

"That's so sad. Does it really have to be like this? Maybe we should stay here after all?" Gene really hoped otherwise, but Raphael gritted his teeth.

"No, we're leaving. We have to find all the shards before they catch us or... someone else gets to them first," he insisted.

Gene blinked, surprised. "Eh... I didn't know this was such an urgent matter and was actually a race," he stated.

"Well, doesn't this make the treasure hunt more interesting?" Raphael grinned, and Gene smiled back.

"It's always exciting being with you," he confessed, his heart reaching out to the Daemon. So many new and exciting things enriched Gene's life since he'd met Raphael, and the older one continued to show him a whole new realm full of magic and wonders day after day. Gene was both overwhelmed and utterly happy to experience everything with his most precious person.

The mist suddenly parted and revealed another portal in front of which sat a three-headed giant beast, or maybe it was some kind of blackish-grey furred dog. Its ears stood erect and its heads were turned towards them. Gene realized this creature was waiting for them. Raphael approached it without hesitation. "Yo," he greeted.

The ruby-eyed head growled and bared his fangs, each as long as Gene's forearm. But the emerald-eyed head yelped: "Raphael! It's been a while. So good to see you!" The giant tail wagged and betrayed the dog's happiness. "What brings you here?" the amber-eyed head wanted to know.

"Actually..." Raphael drawled, "I wish it was just to say hi. But there is a huge problem. We've been traveling the sixth Pandemonium when it suddenly crashed into the second Pandemonium. We barely managed to make it out of there unscathed."

Gene frowned. What the Hell was Raphael saying? This was not what had happened, was it? Why was he lying to this creature? But he stayed silent and watched.

"Oh dear!" the emerald eyed head exclaimed. "This better be not true!" growled the ruby eyed head. The amber eyed head stayed calm and acknowledged: "Thanks for reporting this right to me. I will inform my master and take care of the matter immediately."

"Yes, please," Raphael nodded and stepped aside as the giant hound rose to its feet and leapt. Gene ducked for good measure, and only seconds later the creature was gone.

Raphael sighed and stemmed his hands on his hip. "That is the most gullible gatekeeper I've ever met. Dogs!" he shook his head.

"You're more of a cat person, then?" Gene smiled languidly.

"Obviously, I'm a dragon person." Raphael threw him a glance. "Anyway, let's hurry and escape before he notices he's been tricked." He grabbed Gene's hand and approached the portal, hurried through a flurry of syllables and opened it. Gene's heart pounded excitedly as they stepped through, the thrill of doing something forbidden rushing through him. He pressed Raphael's warm hand and the Daemon returned the gesture reassuringly. Gene smiled. He was looking forward to this adventure, but he hoped it would end differently than the last one.

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