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Behind them they carefully closed the portal so no more undeads would escape to Thisside. Cerberos again apologized to them for what had happened and promised to stay more alert this time. Thanatos nodded politely at him and thanked him for his efforts.

He noticed how restless Azrael seemed, how he was displeased at not being able to detect the escapists. Thanatos wanted to reassure him, touch his shoulder supportively and comfortingly, but he did not dare infringe on their delicate relationship and overstep his boundaries. Surely, they had become closer during the case of the soul thief, but this was only a minute change. There still was a long way to go from the point they were at now and the relationship he had had with his former apprentice, Jake. Thanatos still secretly mourned the loss of the person Jake Darjeeling had been, but he was grateful for any tiny baby step that meant progress in his so, so professional relationship with Azrael.

So instead of doing what he wanted to do, Thanatos suggested they visited the expert in detecting and sealing missing people from the Otherside. Azrael agreed, but Thanatos took a small detour to get two soothing hot cups of coffee to go. His craving for coffee was not the main reason to do so, but he also wanted Azrael to calm down and feel better, and coffee was the one thing which they both enjoyed. After a few sips Azrael sighed and by the time the cup was emptied Thanatos saw his intentions fulfilled.

In a slightly better mood they continued to Lucifer's castle at the Core of Hell. The Lord of Hell was more than pleased to see them, gushed about the trouble caused by the alleged crash of the two Pandemoniae and wanted to invite them to homemade chocolate cookies. But seeing Azrael pale a few shades at the mention of chocolate Thanatos swiftly, but politely declined the offer. Besides they certainly didn't want to witness Lucifer get drunk on chocolate... again. Instead Thanatos asked: "Is Phobos-dono at home? It is necessary we consult him in a certain matter."

"Why, of course!" Lucifer beamed, "My dear little darling and his gem of a lady are just outside frolicking in the gardens."

Thanatos accepted that statement and thanked the Lord of Hell for the information, though for the life of him he could never picture Lucifer's son ever frolicking with anybody. Probably he was being his usual impolite and foul mouthed self, tinkering over some seals or banishments, while the witch kept him company.

Together the two Reapers left the building through the French windows and stepped onto the terrace which led into the lush and sumptuous twilight gardens. Quietly Thanatos marveled at the splendor of the manifold exotic flora, most of them bearing beautiful blossoms, but none of them harmless.

They strode through the gardens and towards the spirit forge, which was Phobos's most frequented place, as far as Thanatos knew. And indeed, as they approached the ajar door, they heard the clanking sound of forging and two voices arguing loudly. Thanatos knocked twice before they were noticed and the hammer strokes died down as well as the voices.

"Phobos-dono, Nakashima-san," Thanatos greeted them with a polite nod each. Phobos acknowledged him with a gruff "Vulture," while Ayumu paced towards them and shook the Reapers' hands.

"Good to see you, Mister Vulture, Mister Azrael," she smiled politely.

"Likewise, Miss Nakashima, Mister Phobos," Azrael returned the gesture a bit awkwardly.

"Why the hell are you Reapers here?" as always, Phobos forewent the appropriate pleasantries and came straight to the point. "If it's again about those fucking Pandemoniae crashing into each other, you're at the bloody wrong address, because that's the Schizophrenic Mutt's job!"

Thanatos cleared his throat, uncomfortable as ever with Phobos's choice of words. "Actually, Cerberos-kun has been misinformed about the collision of the Pandemoniae. Therefore he has left his guard and in consequence some gents have escaped from the Otherside and passed the portal to Thisside," he explained.

"Oh, dang it!" Phobos exclaimed, "Every fucking time this happens you come running to me. I'm so done with this shit! Why can't you catch these damned zombies on your own?" He threw his tongs with the hot metal he was working on into the trough, and the water hissed angrily.

"You know, Old Man, these 'zombies' are not brain-dead," Ayumu remarked as she sipped on a cup of what Thanatos assumed was black tea. "If it was so easy to catch them, these gentlemen certainly wouldn't bother you." Thanatos nodded at her. No one in their right mind would bother Phobos Morgenstern if not need be, not even the Reapers.

"Shut it, Manipulative Hag," Phobos growled, "I know that. The Schizophrenic Mutt wouldn't be fooled by a brain-dead bastard just like that." He paused. "At least I don't think he would."

Again Thanatos slightly cleared his throat. "Be that as it may, your aid in our cause would be much appreciated, Phobos-dono."

"Yes, please," Azrael nodded quickly and clasped his hands. "We'll make it up to you somehow, promise."

"The fuck you will! I don't want anything from you Reapers," Phobos exclaimed and crossed his arms. After a moment of quietness he harrumphed. "Do you at least know how many of these blasted zombies managed to sneak past Schizophrenic Mutt?"

Ayumu smiled into her cup and winked at Thanatos and Azrael. "According to Mister Cerberos, there were two people," said Azrael and let out a sigh of relief.

"Two fucking people?!" Phobos echoed incredulously, then cursed so vividly Thanatos wanted to cover Azrael's ears so he wouldn't be subjected to this vocal assault of rudeness. He refrained from doing so, however. "You couldn't track down two measly zombies? Un-fucking-believable!"

In the end Phobos could be persuaded to help them, but he was obviously not amused when Ayumu also tagged along.

"No way. I'm definitely not staying alone in this castle with your father, Old Man," she insisted, which incited a lot of bickering between the pair. But ultimately the witch accompanied them to Thisside.

"Okay. Let's find these shitheads and bring them back where they belong!" Phobos declared. Thanatos might disapprove of the wording, but he very much agreed on the content of his statement.

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