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Finally the time was nigh. She had been waiting so very long. Like a chime the call rung through her, woke her from her slumber and summoned her to the location where she was needed. Finally someone had freed her. Once she arrived she noticed her ally was outnumbered. But she could feel he was still strong; she could sense her master's power course through him. It was dulled, though; sealed. And instantly she understood her task. She would help him unleash her master's power, she would help him achieve their goal and make her promised dream come true.

So she revealed herself and appeared on the battlefield. His opponents let out surprised noises. "Who are you?" one of them exclaimed.

She smiled a mischievous little smile, unfolded her leathery wings and bowed as if she wanted to pierce them with her horns; her long dragon tail swishing back and forth. 'I am the chaos plucked from the shadow of my master's ancestor. I am the key to unleash my master's unfathomable power once again and destroy all that is enemy to him. You may call me Kaye,' she breathed.

"Like the Obsidian Shard of Kaye?" another asked, "Does that mean there are more of you?"

'Yes and no. Celia, Erebos, Fiducia, Gislin. They are all me, and I am them,' she smiled and jumped into the air, catching wind in her wings and floating above them until she dropped down next to her ally. He was severely injured, but soon it would matter not. She wanted to lick his wounds and heal him, replenish his strength.

'Kaye. Unseal me, unleash me,' her ally said with her master's voice speaking through him.

She bowed. 'As you wish,' she answered and summoned her magic for the unsealing process. She could feel the darkness hum in approval and anticipation. Soon. So very soon. She also anticipated this; she was born for this. She whispered the incantation, felt the surge of his power rise to brimming, waiting for the seals to be broken.

"Not happening!" One of his opponents leapt forward, drew his shortswords and attacked. But her ally defended her, fought for her, while she did her best to support him. She watched him parry the blow with his longsword, push the enemy back and engage in the fight. In the meantime she continued the incantation, concentrated on the darkness sealed within him and worked on the seals.

She rooted for her ally, silently cheered for him and replenished his energies as he fought for their common goal — the future she had been dreaming of. For that purpose she had been feeding him information, cloaked in the guise of his recent dreams. And her trust in him to take the right actions paid off. He was the vessel of her master's power, and she would make sure he could access that power and use it for the right cause.

But, before she could finish the incantation, one of the other opponents attacked her. "Stop this instant! I can see what you're doing, and I won't allow it," the opponent insisted, drew a scythe and swung it at her. She evaded his strike and flew up into the sky as she kept on whispering the spell. She couldn't stop now; they were so close to fulfilling their dreams!

The scythed opponent leapt into the air and followed her. She could only duck and swerve, counter his attacks with her evasive skills while she still concentrated on breaking the seals. Just a bit more. She needed to do just a bit more. Then the incantation would be complete. And once it was, she didn't have to flee anymore, she didn't have to hide anymore, didn't have to wait anymore. Her ally would take care of the rest; she could trust him with her hopes and dreams, she knew it.

So she continued, for his sake — and for her own. She could hear the seals creaking and moaning under her ministrations. But the harder the enemy tried to get to her the harder it became to focus on what was really important.

"I said, stop!" the opponent repeated and slashed his scythe at her. She backed away, was driven into a corner. Before the seal wasn't broken she could do nothing to defend herself. She couldn't possibly evade the next swipe, thus she braced herself for the impact. But it never came; her ally appeared before her right on time to block the scythe. She was so relieved and thankful. Over his shoulder he nodded at her — a sign to go on, and she smiled and nodded back. With new determination she continued the incantation as he protected her from the two attacking enemies while the third opponent just stood there watching.

Was he preparing a counter magic? But she couldn't feel any magic coming from him. Be that as it might, she had to focus on a more significant task. The seals groaned and moaned, the darkness was leaking through as it tried to break free. She could feel its power caress her, assure her of what she was doing. And she wanted to make her master proud.

With a smile she finished the last syllable; the seals cracked, then burst as her ally was flooded by the dark power of her master. Fulfillment washed over her as she watched how it encompassed her ally, filled him to brimming and made him to the perfect embodiment of her master's might. Soon, the darkness had told her time and again to soothe her.

Soon was now.

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