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Just before they reached the Daemon, he teleported away. "So close!" Azrael lamented.

Thanatos looked slightly concerned. "Please accept my appologies. I should have taken this incident more serious. I didn't think Raphael would cause so much trouble," he said. Azrael nodded sympathetically. He, too, had underestimated the situation.

"We both have made a mistake. It shall not happen again. The next time we face Mister Raven we will not take him lightly," Azrael smiled encouragingly at his colleague. Together they would surely capture the fugitive again; they would make sure he wouldn't escape again. And this time they would treat him with kid gloves no more. He didn't know Thanatos's friend's intentions, nor could he understand why he did this. He stole, he broke out... Azrael couldn't tolerate such behaviour. And he wondered why Thanatos, the most lawful and upright person he had ever met, was friends with such a... felon. It just didn't seem right.

Maybe Thanatos had been deceived. It was possible that Raphael was very skilled at lying; he had easily tricked Cerberos so he could escape from Hell, and maybe even his companion, Gene, had been taken in.

And somehow Azrael couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about these strange artifacts, that there was a special meaning behind them he didn't know yet. He had a bad feeling about this whole business, and hoped they captured Raphael soon.

Thanatos nodded. "Well said," he stated. "May I rely on your well esteemed assistance again?" he asked with an inclination of his head.

"Of course!" Azrael smiled and nodded eagerly. "You can always rely on me," he promised, feeling proud that his former mentor chose to count on him.

"I'd be honoured to do so," Thanatos solemnly said. And Azrael's heart somersaulted. But before he drowned in pride, someone else appeared. It was a Deamon, who Azrael didn't know but who apparently knew his colleague.

"Thanatos," the man said, "we need to stop the experiment before it gets any more out of hand." Thanatos nodded, but Azrael was slightly confused. What kind of experiment were they talking about? Who was this guy? And wasn't catching Raphael top priority now?

That was when a voice invaded his mind: 'You're perfectly right. Catching Raphael is indeed top priority. I am Lord Rhagkal Raven by the way, and I am here to help you Reapers find my wayward son.'

Azrael hissed. "Please refrain from invading my headspace again, Lord Raven," he murmured as he rubbed his temples. "But thank you for your assistance. It is much appreciated."

Rhagkal nodded. "Raphael is probably on his way to the location of the last artifact, the Amethyst Shard of Gislin, so he can unleash the power stored within and destroy everything there is," he stated, "So this is where we're also headed."

"Wait," Azrael blinked, "why is he here? Shouldn't he be in custody?"

Rhagkal threw Gene a glance, who looked like he had cried. "Unfortunately, he might be the only person to talk sense into Raphael now. So we have to take him along."

Thanatos cleared his throat. "Pardon me, but I bethink we shall make haste." Everybody agreed, so the four of them hurried to the portal to Thisside, Thanatos opened it for them and through they went.

"Please lead the way, Lord Rhagkal," Thanatos made a polite gesture as only the Daemon knew the location of the artifact.

Azrael in the meantime was pretty worried. If this was true, whole Neverbeen Universe would be in danger. He had no idea how these artifacts functioned, but he supposed if Raphael attained them all, something would be bound to happen — and he had the certain feeling, it was nothing good. Ayumu had been pretty careless when she handed the orb to Raphael, but what was done couldn't be undone.

On the other hand, who would have guessed that Raphael might snatch the artifact and escape with it, leaving Gene behind? Speaking of Gene, Azrael now found himself wary of the human and was convinced he might try to flee also anytime soon. But so far he behaved pretty tamely. Azrael observed, Gene looked sullen and crestfallen. Maybe this was due to Raphael's betrayal, Azrael assumed. As far as Azrael knew, they had been very close; lovers, if he was not mistaken. Such behaviour as Raphael had shown had to have equaled a break up. At least Azrael would have interpreted it that way.

So he possibly should prepare for a strike of revenge instead of a break out. In any case he would keep an eye on the human and expect any random action once they found Raphael. One might never know what people were capable of. He had often been...well, surprised how desperate people could become in their last moments, and what they'd do to evade death. So it was not hard to imagine Gene lashing out once Raphael was within his purview.

But then again, he didn't know Gene; he might really be the only option to dissuade Raphael from whatever he was doing to destroy Neverbeen Universe, like Rhagkal had said. Otherwise they had to fight Raphael and subdue him somehow, which was not the best of options. Though they probably would be able to beat him if they combined their powers. But if Raphael managed to use the artifacts against them, Azrael couldn't possibly foresee what might happen.

Something cathartic, something catastrophic, something cataclysmatic. One might never know until it happened, but happen it should not; they would try everything to prevent the destruction of Neverbeen Universe. Even if Azrael had to resort to extinguishing Raphael's soul. Although he might fall out with Thanatos if he did. Azrael didn't want to risk that, but he would do what needed be done to stop the Daemon.

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