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"Eh...I don't feel so good," Gene murmured after the fifth teleportation in a row. He was dizzy and slightly disoriented. It was not as bad as the trip to the past, but he felt rather queasy. Breathing deeply he sat on a rock and waited for the nausea to subside.

"Alright," said Raphael, "let's rest for a while. We're not far from the next treasure location, so we can walk the distance if you want."

Gene glanced at him and pulled a face. "You know I prefer walking to teleporting any time. Flying would be awesome. But right now? Eh...I'm happy if my feet stay in contact with the earth."

"I get it," Raphael nodded. Though Gene thought his lover didn't look too happy, maybe a little impatient. He would make it up to him later, Gene decided. But for now he closed his eyes and just breathed. Raphael stepped behind him and massaged his shoulders and neck. After a while the queasiness receded and he didn't feel as if he was riding a roundabout with his gaze turned skyward anymore. Gene sighed contented.

"Better?" Raphael asked and gently kissed his cheek.

Eyes still closed, Gene smiled. "Better," he hummed and leaned into Raphael's touch. When the Daemon quietly chuckled he knew everything was well again. "Actually, there is one thing that would make it perfect..." He winked an eye open to look at Raphael.

Raphael grinned. "You're unbelievable. Just a minute ago you looked as green around the gills as it gets. But sure. Let's have dinner."

Gene clapped his hands once and was like a dog with two tails. He watched Raphael as he cooked dinner, amazed at his skills to make such a delicious meal from the simplest ingredients available. And indeed it tasted so, so good. He grinned with pure bliss and let out small noises of delight. "Oh, this is awesome," he all but moaned, "Raphael, you have outdone yourself yet again."

And finally, finally Raphael smiled faintly. Gene knew, he was happy to be complimented for his cooking, but for some reason he didn't show it. Still, Gene liked Raphael's rare smiles. They made his heart go aflutter, even after a good seven years. In regards of years, something occured to Gene. "Eh...if we are undead now, does that mean we won't age anymore?" he wondered.

Raphael's smile vanished. He nodded. "Yeah, you won't grow old anymore."

Gene smiled, contented. "Then we can be together forever, right? Our time together is not limited and the difference in our life expectancy doesn't matter anymore. This is the best possible outcome."

"Right," the Daemon said and leaned forward to kiss Gene. Somehow, Gene thought, Raphael didn't sound convinced. But the kiss swept all of his worries away. And the prospect of spending eternity together sounded wonderful. They swiftly set up their tent, then hurried inside to make love, filled to brimming with the anticipation of a long, long future together and the mutual deep feelings for each other.

After that Gene could have cuddled beneath the sheets and fallen asleep, but he noticed that Raphael became more energized. "I do have to get up, don't I?" Gene sighed and rolled out of bed. "Why are we so much in a hurry to find these treasures?" he wondered while putting on his clothes.

"We're not the only ones who want them. You've met them, maybe there will be others," the Daemon argued, "We just have to be faster."

Gene nodded. "I see. You want to catch them all," he smiled languidly, then helped pack up their things.

"Something like that. It's more fun if your collection is complete, right?" Raphael grinned slightly.

"Right," Gene agreed, then blinked. "But this ruby artifact got destroyed. So the collection can't be completed anymore."

"I know. But still. If I can't have that one, I can at least get the rest," Raphael insisted.

Gene could understand that. He probably would feel the same if this was a game and he had to collect things. So he relented, took his lover's hand and sauntered with him towards their next destination. Soon the sauntering turned into hiking, and hiking evolved into climbing. But after a few hours they were at the top of the volcano. Amazed and awed Gene peered into the crater, felt the heat on his skin and watched the lava bubble below. It was a thrilling sight, especially in the dark when the molten earth glowed in hundred shades of red and yellow. But from up here Gene could also see there was blood on the horizon; soon the sun would rise.

"This way," Raphael tapped his shoulder to catch his attention and pointed towards the other side of the crater. Together they made their way around the boiling lake of lava. Gene was so fascinated, his eyes almost never left Nature's spectacle, his heart pounding a mile a minute. He was sure, Raphael would lead him safely to wherever they were headed while he admired the wonders of the volcano.

Gene came to an abrupt halt as he bumped into Raphael. The Daemon had stopped in front of something that looked like a temple without a roof. A paved square was surrounded by a few columns. Braziers were aflame, illuminated the place and made it seem like a place dedicated to the empyreal — maybe a fire deity was hallowed here, Gene surmised. At least he could picture mythical rituals held here to soothe the deity of the volcano or something along those lines. But his attention soon focused on the altar at the top end of the square. On either side there stood two small braziers and in the centre there throned their object of interest in a holdfast — at least Gene assumed this was what they came for, as this prism gem seemed to belong with the other two artifacts.

He sucked in a breath, for they were not alone. Behind the altar there was a familiar face, which he had never wanted to see again.

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