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After the shocking revelation they returned to the Otherside. Azrael seemed disappointed, but Thanatos had other worries now. If Raphael and Gene really were the escapists, and there was no doubt they were, then Thanatos would be in serious trouble.

After all, Raphael was his best friend; and worse, Raphael knew the consequences, knew that Thanatos had to capture him and knew what awaited him after that. And still he insisted on escaping and taking Gene along. Thanatos had no other choice; he had to find and catch Raphael, it was his duty as a Reaper. And even if it pained him, he would do it; he would capture the wayward Daemon before any of his colleagues could do the deed. Raphael was his responsibility, and he was his friend.

But before he could again think about persuading Phobos to teleport him to where Raphael was now, he found on his office desk a raven messenger sitting patiently and waiting for him. Without delay he left his office and returned to Thisside. Soon he reached the black fortress he had just been to earlier this day without realizing it.

Rhagkal Raven awaited Thanatos in his office chamber, and a servant brought a cup of coffee for the Reaper. The Daemon had ordered it as soon as he had perceived Thanatos's approach, knowing his guest would appreciate it. But Thanatos was not the only guest. On an armchair Rhaleigh Raven lounged about and raised a hand in greeting.

"Lord Rhagkal, Rhaleigh-kun," he greeted both Daemons with a polite nod each, then sat on the second armchair.

"Before you ask, Rhaíth and Morpheus won't be here today," Rhagkal said, undoubtedly having read Thanatos's mind. The Reaper frowned, but nodded. He deemed it impolite to read other people's private thoughts. But Rhagkal would always do as he pleased. "Besides, it is you two I want to talk to," the Daemon added and scrutinized Thanatos, who kept a straight face. "I believe you have something to tell me first?" Rhagkal raised a brow.

"Indeed," Thanatos affirmed and sipped on his coffee. Rhagkal surely had a great taste; these coffee beans were the finest quality, and the crema was just perfect, Thanatos noticed with delight. "In regards to the experiment, I was certain I had it contained. But apparently that is not the case. Raphael and Hoffman-kun have escaped Hell and are now on Thisside again."

"I am aware of that," Rhagkal said calmly, but Thanatos could tell that he was not pleased. "I had some of my men retrieve the Ruby Shard of Celia from the old Wythian ruins. They encountered the boy and that human of his there. The artifact was destroyed in the fight."

Thanatos blinked. So the many red shards lying about in the ruins had been part of the Ruby Shard of Celia. But if the artifact was destroyed, its vile power was released now. Which was more worrying news.

"And," Rhagkal continued with a grim face, "the boy had the audacity to break into my vault and steal the Emerald Shard of Erebos."

"He probably knows we're after the Shards," Rhaleigh opined and crossed his arms, "which is why I'm here. Because he's fast, because he can teleport and because he might already know the locations of the artifacts. But so do I." He grinned lopsidedly. "Lord Rhagkal wants me to get the Sapphire Shard of Fiducia, while he sends others to collect the Amethyst Shard of Gislin. Raphael may be able to teleport, but he sure can't create illusion doppelgangers to be in two places at the same time."

Thanatos nodded and took another sip of his excellent coffee. "So you will be able to retrieve at least one of the artifacts."

"I hope that he will choose to get the Sapphire Shard of Fiducia first. So I might come back with two Shards, as I will try to get the Emerald Shard of Erebos back from him," Rhaleigh yawned and stretched his limbs. "I could wait on him once I have the artifact..."

"No," Rhagkal interjected, "attaining the artifacts has top priority. Once you have it, I want you to return and hand it to me. It's troublesome that the Ruby Shard of Celia is destroyed, but four artifacts will do, too. And as long as we get one of the Shards he will come to us, sooner or later."

"Alright, alright," Rhaleigh relented, "I do as you say, Mylord."

"I will not be able to partake in the perquisition, as my duty is to capture the escapists and return them to the Otherside," Thanatos remarked.

Rhagkal nodded. "Actually, that is just what I want you to do. Keep tracking the boy and his human, catch them if you can. We don't want them to interfere with the Shards. But if you haul them in you probably can also get the stolen Shard off the boy. We don't know yet what he wants with them, but that doesn't matter as long as he doesn't get them all."

"I can't promise that; but I will keep it in mind," Thanatos stated and emptied his coffee cup.

"That'll be all for now," Rhagkal concluded the meeting, "Keep me up to date."

"Will do," Rhaleigh nodded, stood and vanished.

Thanatos bowed out also. "And thank you for the exquisite coffee," he added before he left. On his way back to the Otherside he pondered. What could his best friend want the artifacts for? As far as Thanatos knew, they were made by the Lord of Time; powerful tools containing enormous amounts of malignant energy. He could very well imagine why Rhagkal wanted them, but he had no idea about Raphael's intentions. And it worried him.

Ever since the incident concerning the soul thief, he and Raphael had talked so little. At first he had pinned it on Raphael's adventurous side and let him explore the Pandemoniae so he could come to terms with not being allowed to leave the Otherside and make himself at home there. But... had Raphael actually alienated Thanatos? Was this the real reason why he had defied the law and escaped from Hell? To force Thanatos to be his opponent?

He didn't know.

Maybe this was about the artifacts after all, and since they were on Thisside he had to leave the Otherside to get them, and he had just hazarded the consequences of breaking out. Raphael was a reckless man, Thanatos knew that. But he didn't think he would endanger Gene for whatever plans he had. Thanatos guessed, Gene didn't even know what was on Raphael's mind and just tagged along wherever the Daemon went.

Either way Thanatos had to catch them and bring them back to the Otherside. He would need Phobos's help again. And he would ask Azrael to come along, just to lift his mood and spend time together again. With that intention he bought two coffees to go and strode towards his colleague's office.

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