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We arrive home and I get out the car Josh is sitting on the steps with Gabby on his laps. I swear these two will end up getting married one day. They claim to be just friends but they act like lovers.

Gabby turns and sees me getting out of Jake car (yip she knows I have a massive crash on him) but that's something that will never happen a guy like him doesn't date nerdy girls like me. Gabby gives me the bitch you better tell me what the hell is going on look.

Josh heads over to Jake and asks him what the fuck his doing with me. Idiot brother. I hear Jake say "Dude I just gave her a ride home plus I was looking out for her she's like a little sister to me god forbid something happens to her".

My heart breaks as he said I was like a sister to him damn. Gabby grabs my arm and drags me upstairs and shuts my room door. "And why are you in the car with Jake it takes you 10 minutes to get home from school. Not a whole damn hour" she shouts.

"Calm down Gabby we went to get something to eat cos my tummy over here couldn't keep quiet". She laughs.

"So, what will we be wearing tonight" she says and the look on her face says I am getting a makeover. "No way Gabs". "Yes, way Jess".

My mom walks in and sits on my bed. "Where is Gabby" and suddenly my mom gets hit with clothes flying out my walk-in closet she starts laughing and say "Neverminded".

"So where are you girls heading tonight". Gabby reappears, "we heading to a party tonight the very first one our little innocent Jessica will be attending". My mom is shocked and shakes her head "you got Jess to go out", she throws her hands up all dramatically and starts jumping with joy.

Rolling my eyes. I pull out my ripped skinny jeans, black crop top with a cropped top cardigan and timberlands. Please note I never dress this way

my mom bought these clothes for me but I want to make Gabby happy and if she has her way with me I will be wearing a short tight fitted dress that will barely cover my ass and showing off my breast.

I head into my bathroom and take a shower, once I am finish I get dressed, I loosen my plaits and automatically get this amazing wavy effect. I do my make-up not too heavy. Just some Base, blush, eye shadow, eye liner and mascara topping it off with some kylie Jenner Poise K lipstick. I put in my contact lenses and look in the mirror at somebody I hardly recognize. I take a deep breath and walk out.

Gabby Sitting on my bed and as soon as she sees me she falls face first off, the bed Laughing uncontrollably. She gets up and says "if I was a guy I'd totally date you". "Ewe" I say. "Jess there some snacks down here come eat". Its only 5 and the party starts at 7 so we have two hours to fool around. Heading down to the kitchen gabby plays with Jenny. While I lean over the counter my ass in full view eating a waffle. Josh and Jake walk in and I hear Josh say "Damn that's one fine ass Gabby who your new friend". "Ewe you disgusting pig" I punch his arm and he stands there in shock "Jess is that you".

"No idiot it's my twin sister. Of cause, it's me". "Sorry you just look different".

"Yeah less like a nerd right". Jake just giggles he walks up to me and whispers "you look hot Jess but I prefer the nerdy look". Walking away I still feel his hot breath linger on my skin.

Gabby and I grab a pack of chips, some skittles and lemonade and head to the backyard. I grab my speaker and play us some music. People think because I am this nerdy girl I am only into books. Jokes on you. I can sing and I am a LIT dancer. I also love to draw and I am in love with animals.

Juju on that beat plays and I start dancing. Laughing and acting mad it feels great to have fun again and just be my normal self.

Not that I have been hiding in a shell. I just feel that School is very important and should be your main focus and priority at the time. Everything else will come later on in life.

we head inside and sit in the game room where Josh and Jake are playing Call of Duty. Gabby instantly straddles Josh and I fake gag. She whispers something in Josh ears and in a blink of an eye they start making out. "WHAT THE HELL GUYS". I grab Gabby from Josh and drag her into the living room.

"Are you insane why are you making out with my brother".


"Because what Gabby"?

"We dating".

"YOU WHAT since fucking when what the fuck omg I can't believe this".

"2 week ago, and I didn't tell you cos you reacting like this".

"It's your life. Fuck it up if you want too".

Jake walks in "Hey we leaving are you girls coming".


Gabby and Josh get in his car and I am stuck riding in a car with Jake. Not what I expected but WTF.

I can see Jake looking at me every 10 seconds and its getting annoying. Why am I in such a bad mood.

Entering Mitch house there is drunken teenagers everywhere. I head over to the kitchen and grab a bottle of water. Taking a sip, I see Gabby all up in Josh face. I think I need something stronger. Mitch walks in and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me.

"Hey I'm Mitch I don't think we met"?

"Uhm yes, we did it's me Jessica. Josh Sister".

"Wow where have you been hiding away" he laughs. "Funny" I roll my eyes. "Can I get something stronger"?

"Honestly Jess where have you been all my life".

"Hiding away from jerks like you who looks for ass by every girl but I'm sorry you not getting it here".

He places a hand on his heart and says "Ouch that hurt. One shot of Tequila coming up".

I take the shot glass from Mitch staring at its clear liquid form. I down it in no time. It burns like hell going down my throat but the aftermath is amazing. "Another please". I had about 7 shots and after that I was starting to see blurry is my contact lenses still in damn. I head to the bathroom and check them. Yip it's still there. I hear DNCE Cake by the ocean start playing. "Hooooo that's my jam". I head out to the living area and start dancing and swaying my body to the beat. Feeling hands on my waist I turn to see its only Mitch we start dancing and singing at the top of our Lungs.


Out the corner of my eye I spot a very unhappy Jake starting at me like he is about to kill me. Mitch whispers in my ears "you look absolutely beautiful tonight". I giggle, "well you not so bad looking yourself". He gives me a kiss on my forehead. And out of nowhere I am suddenly pushed with such force to the ground looking up I see Jake and Mitch having a standoff.

I get up and regain my balance. I step in-between the two and push Jake away "what the fuck are you doing".

"His hands are not supposed to travel up and down your body like that Jess".

"Why do you even care Jake I am having fun so leave me the fuck alone".

By this time the music was shut off and everybody was surrounding the three of us.

"I should care cos I'm protecting you from jerks like him".

"I can handle myself so leave".

"You heard Jake she can handle herself so leave" Mitch says with a smirk on his face and I can see Jake turning red his hand in a fist form on the side of him, I know what's going to happen next and in a split-second I stepped in front of Mitch and then something hit me with such force. Next thing I know I saw Black and I was passed out.    

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