Waking Up In An Unknown Place

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Arthor Note: First name (F/N), Last Name (L/N) I hope you're all enjoying this so far. :)


I groaned in a bit of pain, my body was sore from when the tree first knocked me out. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, looking about the room trying to figure out where I was. The room wasn't that decorated, it was more of a spare guest room that didn't ever get used from what I could see, I heard footsteps and turned my head to see who it could be. A young male walked into the room with a blonde who had braided hair. "You're awake, I was beginning to worry a bit." The young male had a bit of a higher pitch than most men would and he was wearing casual Viking clothes, I couldn't help but notice his prosthetic foot. "Where am I?" I ask in a bit of a lower voice than I wanted but he managed to catch what I said. "You're on Berk. Home of the dragons, my name is Hiccup, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. This young woman who found you is Astrid Hofferson." I rubbed my head, throwing my legs over the side of the bed and looking at them both, i took in all of the features of both Hiccup and Astrid. "What is your name?" I paused and then sighed. "My name is (F/N) (L/N)." Astrid got closer, she looked distrusting of me and began to invade my space. "What are you doing on Berk, (Y/N)?" She asked in a rather demanding tone, I started to get nervous, mainly because she was in my personal space. "Now Astrid, you don't have to be so demanding." Hiccup said, grabbing Astrid's shoulder softly. "Are you hungry? I have some food made downstairs, we can talk about why you came here while you get more situated." He was trying to be nice, I was in a foreign place and had been knocked out by a tree. I didn't seem to be hurt anywhere except a large bruise where the branch had hit me across the upper back and shoulders. "I-I am a bit hungry, but I wouldn't want to impose. I am a stranger after all." I didn't want to be a bother, the young female known as Astrid backed off when hiccup grabbed her shoulder, she crossed her arms and walked out and downstairs. "You wouldn't be imposing at all. I insist, let's get you something to eat." He said with a soft and sweet smile, I felt a bit more comfortable and smiled a bit. "Only if you're positive." He nodded. "Which I am." He said as I got up, feeling the pain of the bruise but I tried to ignore it the best I could, I headed down and followed him to the kitchen. Astrid was waiting at the table. "I'll make you a bowl of soup." Hiccup said, getting a bowl out and giving me some soup.

I started to eat a bit of the soup and felt Astrid staring daggers at me, I tried to avoid eye contact with them both. "So," Astrid said. "What are you doing on Berk." Astrid restated her question. "I heard it was a home of Dragon's, I brought Mars with me and we split up before the storm hit," I stated, hiccup sitting across from me, next to Astrid. "Mars?" Hiccup questioned. "Oh, that's right she wasn't with me. She's my Night Fury." I stated quite plainly. Hiccup and Astrid both looked dumbfounded. "Did you just say........... A night Fury?" Hiccup asked I could hear some excitement filling his voice as it went higher in pitch. "Yeah, I thought maybe here, there might be another one," I said. Hiccup looked to Astrid and she looked to him. "Astrid, this is great! There is another night fury!" I smiled big. "There is!? Do you know where it is!?" I almost jumped up in excitement, my eyes were filled with amazement, I was right to come here. "Wait, hold up." Astrid thought and then looked back to (Y/N) "How can we be sure you're telling the truth about having a night fury? For all, we know you could be here to capture Toothless." She said, her eyes went back to being a hard harsh blue. "I-I swear I do! Her name is Mars, I've raised her from a hatchling! I can prove it, I just have to find her." I tried my best to defend myself against her accusation. 'Steal a dragon? How absurd!' I thought to shake my head. "Astrid, it's okay. We'll help her look for her night fury." Hiccup said, smiling at her. "And what if she's lying?" Astrid questioned, which very well could be a possibility.

Hiccup's POV.

I tilted my head in thought, Astrid was right, she could be lying but there is a very good chance she is telling the truth too. "Can you say for sure she is?" I asked her, Astrid's face heated up with a bit of embarrassment. She couldn't prove (Y/N) was lying, she looked away and shook her head. "No, I cannot prove she is lying for sure." I simply shook my head and smiled. "Then, let's at least try and help her find her dragon." I placed a hand on Astrid's shoulder, she looked to me and nodded. "Alright, fine." She agreed but then thought. "How about we go tomorrow morning? We'll be rested by then and it'll be easier." (Y/N) seemed extremely quiet, I look over to her to see that she is eating her soup and finished before looking up. "Hiccup, does that sound good to you?" Astrid asked to confirm her suggestion. "Yeah, it does." Astrid got up, getting ready to leave. "Hey, Astrid," I say, catching her attention before she left the kitchen. "Yeah?" She asked, looking back at me. "Would you do me a huge favor." I smile my usual nervously sweet smile.

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