Later That Night~

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V:

I had gotten up, I made dinner while Astrid was still passed out and I smiled to myself. She's so amazing, so silly sometimes but just... Amazing. I let out a sigh as I was turning the lamb chops onto the other side, one side was a perfect brown color as the lamb chops let off a sizzle from the other, still moist side began to cook under the heat. I put a lid over it and I turned to the small pot of green beans and stirred it, I had only put it on a few moments ago so it wouldn't be long before it was ready, I already had the corn and biscuits done, they were slowly cooling off on the table as I set the spoon down and looked around. I smiled softly to myself as I headed to the bedroom, going up the stairs. Once I had reached the door, I peeked in and she sleeping peacefully before he groaned, stretching out. "(Y/n)..." She groaned in a groggy, tired voice and felt around on the bed for me and I smirked, standing in the doorway. "I made us dinner, so if you'd get up and come with me then I would greatly appreciate it," I said in a soft tone and she looked over, a look of sadness from me not being in bed changed to a small smile as she signaled me to come to her, and of course, I did as I sat on the bed beside her. "What's up, beautiful?" I asked, pushing some hair behind her ear and she nuzzled into my hand. "I thought you weren't going to be sneaking away anymore?~" She purred teasingly and I rolled my eyes. "Someone has to make dinner, and I woke up before you so I thought I'd treat my beautiful girlfriend," I said softly and leaned down, my lips meeting hers as she wrapped her arms around my neck softly and I adjusted my position, pulling her into me softly before I pulled away. "Let's not get to carried away, I have stuff cooking and need to go check it, so come on," I said softly and smiled at her and she let out a slight hum. "Alright~" She purred and I got up, waiting for her and one she was out of the bed I took her hand in mine softly, both of us going down the stairs together. I went tot he stove, removing the Lamb Chops from the heat and placing them on the plates, doing the same for the green beans as I placed the plates on the table for her and I as I pulled out some glasses as well and got out some drinks I had brought back from France. "Have you ever tried Soda?" I asked, knowing she probably hasn't but it is worth asking still. "What's Soda?" She asked and I let out a soft laugh, opening a can and pouring some into the glass for her. "Try it, see if you like it," I said in a soft tone and sat down, pouring myself some as well. The next few moments were quite hilarious when she took a sip of the Soda she began making different faces, both of liking and disliking.

"It's... Strange, but I don't dislike it." She said and continued drinking as I laughed more and she my head, sipping mine and I began to eat. "I love you, Astrid," I said and took a bite of my food and she smiled happily. "I love you too, (Y/n)." She said and began to eat as well. After a few minutes, I took up my dishes and a soda can, throwing away the can as I washed up the dishes and Astrid came over, adding in hers and I pecked her lips softly. "I love you so much," I said softly and she smiled a soft sweet smile. "I love you so much too, now hurry up. I have somewhere I want to take you before the sun goes down!" She said in a bit of an excited tone as I laughed. "Do we need the dragons?" I asked and she shook her head. "Nope, we can get there by walking." She said and I finished washing the dishes as I dried my hands off, Astrid was waiting by the door, getting on her shoes as I went over and put on my shoes as well and took her hand as we headed out the door. "So, is where we are going a surprise?" I asked softly and she nodded, gripping my hand tighter in hers with a happy smile and I held onto her hand, as I began to walk closer with her as we walked into the woods.

-15 minutes later-

We had arrived at a cliff as Astrid took a seat on the ground, the sun was just starting to set as I sat down beside her. I rested my head on her shoulder softly and she rested her head against mine. "You know some beautiful places too, huh?" I asked with a soft laugh and she laughed as well. "I've lived here all my life, I know a lot of beautiful places." She said in a quiet voice. "And some beautiful people. The most beautiful person I know is---" I cut her off. "Ruffnut!" I said while bursting out laughing and she shook her head. "No! You!" She said while laughing as I pulled away and looked at her, smiling a big smile as she suddenly leans in and kisses me. I kissed back as I felt her tongue slide against my lower lip and I opened my mouth to give her entrance and our tongue clashed together as we both fought for dominance against each other, after a few minutes of this small war we pulled away and snuggled up together as we looked out over the water, watching the beautiful sunset. "So, where are we going to go after this?" I asked and she smiled. "Where do you want to go?" She asked and I tilted my head. "Hmm, honestly I think it'll be best to go home because I have a surprise for you in the morning, and it wouldn't work well if we stayed out here," I said and she raised an eyebrow. "What kind of surprise?" She asked and I smirked slightly. "A good one," I said and got up, offering her my hand as she took it with a smile laugh. "Alright then, I'll trust you for that." She said and led us back to the house since I had no remembrance of how we got out here and soon we arrived home, I headed up the stairs at first but then stopped, looking to see where Astrid was only to find her following me. I walked upstairs and into the bedroom, grabbing a book and laying down on my side of the bed with a soft yawn, Astrid laying beside me as she looked up at the book and I opened it, beginning to read and she laid beside me. She read along with me, soon after several pages she fell asleep with her head on my chest, right over where my heart is and I yawned, carefully moving to put the book down and managing to put out the candle that lit the room beside me as I laid my head on hers softly and fell asleep after snuggling into her and pulling her closer to myself.

//I'm sorry I am lame and haven't had a muse or time to work on this fully, more like I haven't had a muse. T.T

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