A Few Days Later.

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//Author note: Sorry if the chapters get weirder as we go, I do this all at night so I'm tired and not keeping a good train of thought xD so please forgive me. <3//

Astrid's POV:

I was sleeping in again it wasn't often I got to sleep in so since I was staying at (Y/N)'s house I took it as a chance to sleep in and enjoy it, she didn't move out of the bed until I woke up either which was amazing, I got to be warm and she didn't seem bothered by sleeping in. I yawned and sat up as I looked over at (Y/N) and kissed her forehead softly. Once I did she started to wake up, yawning. "Are you getting up, babe?" I nodded in response to her question as I got up and stretched, popping my back with every stretch. "Yeah, are you hungry? I can go make us something to eat." I offered, and she nodded softly before rolling around on the bed trying to get woken up. "Really? You can't just sit up and act normal for when you wake up?" I teased and smiled. "I'm not normal though, so no I really can't. Plus it is very cold if I do it your way." She smiled and laughed a bit and I started downstairs, I had been making breakfast for us both since yesterday and she told me what she normally ate. "Is she always that crazy, Mars?" I asked her dragon as I entered the kitchen I got a strong nod as I started making breakfast. "Think you could help me out a bit?" Mars came over and started a fire and I set the pot above the fire and started preparing breakfast, soon enough as soon as (Y/N) smelt the food she came down and hugged me from behind. "You're amazing." She whispered in my ear and I smiled as I shook my head. "You're amazing too. Now go sit down, it's about done." I started putting the food in a bowl and had Yak milk set out for us both, I put out the fire and placed one bowl in front of her and I sat across from her as I picked up a fork and started on my breakfast, little had been usually said during breakfast. She began on her food as well and after a short time we both finished and I looked at her. "So," I started which caused her to raise an eyebrow then smile. "So, when are we going to tell the others?" She asked before I could and I nodded. "When would you like to tell them?" I asked, a slight smile on my face and she looked around the room, thinking. "We could start off tell Fishlegs, then Snotlout then---- We'll have to tell your parents at some point before we tell the twins otherwise they'd spill it before we tell them." She looked at me and I sighed, nodding. "I know that very well, we need to tell our friends first though. They won't be shocked and if anything happens or anyone tries to run you off or me then they'll be there to help." She nodded and thought for a bit longer, I looked around a bit waiting for her answer. "We can tell Fishlegs and Snotlout today, your parents and the twins tomorrow, if everything goes well. If it doesn't we'll tell the twins the day after tomorrow. That sound good?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, come on, let's find Fishlegs." We both got up and went to the change.

Once we had changed and left the house we were headed towards the Forge since that was where Fishlegs was recently to get Meatlug's saddle fixed, I saw Fishlegs and nudged (Y/N) before heading over to him. "Hey, Fishlegs, got a minute? (Y/n) and I need to talk to you in private." Fishlegs smiled at me when I approached him and waved to (Y/N) who was walking up behind me. "Yeah, I have a few minutes. Where would you like to talk at?" He asked softly. "Well, just a place where there are fewer people." (Y/N) spoke up a bit and started walking off. "This way if you will, please." I shook my head and Fishlegs and I both followed her before she stopped, it looked like we weren't even on berk anymore from this place. "Fishlegs." I placed my hand on his shoulder, I was a bit nervous and (Y/N) smiled. "Astrid and I would like to tell you that..." We both looked at each other and then at him, I went over and stood by (Y/N). "We are dating, we thought it was time you knew." We both spoke in sync and Fishlegs had an expression of pure shock, we both looked at each other nervously. "So, uh, what are you thinking?" She asked him and he regained his composure and smiled gently. "Well, I don't know what to say really. I am shocked but if you're both happy then I suppose I'm happy for you both, does Hiccup know though? And the others too?" I sighed softly and nodded a bit. "Hiccup knows, we are going to tell Snotlout, tomorrow we are going to tell my parents then if things go well we will tell the twins if they don't go well then the day after tomorrow we will tell them." Fishlegs nodded. "I was talking to Snotlout earlier, he is at the arena. The twins are sleeping all day today."

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