Settling In and Dragon Training.

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I started to settle in well, a nice house that could fit two, maybe three people. I unpacked most of my stuff and stretched, I hadn't let Astrid help me unpack as I started upstairs and stopped. "Don't touch that Mars." I said, turning and seeing she was about to knock over a home made cup. She straightened up and acted like she had done nothing at all. "Upstairs, now." I command, she got an agitated look then went upstairs before me, it was getting late and as i went the rest of the way up the stairs, a faint knock came from the door, I went down quietly to see who it could be. Opening the door slowly, I peeked out. "Yes...?" To my surprise it was Hiccup and Astrid. "Sorry to drop by so late." Says Hiccup, Astrid looked tired with her arms crossed. "Hiccup wanted to make sure you got settled in, things unpacked.... The main stuff." Said Astrid, slowly inching away. "Astrid." He stated and she stopped her movement, he turned back to you with a smile. "Everything going good?" He asked, trying to be the nice sweet Chief that he was. I nodded and smiled at them both. "I'm settling in just fine, thank you. I was just about to go to bed." Astrid was staring at me on and off somewhat, making me feel a bit nervous.... I had this... Tight feeling in my stomach, it wasn't a sick feeling, it even made me feel happy. "Alright then, just thought we'd check in. You're welcome to come and begin training with Mars tomorrow, if you'd like." I nodded and smiled. "Thank you, Goodnight Hiccup, Goodnight Astrid." I then shut the door, being rather tired. I walked upstairs and changed, throwing on a pair of sleeping clothes and going to bed.

The next morning when I woke up I was alerted by a crash from downstairs, I set up quickly and looked around and I didn't see Mars. I nodded softly. "She found a new way to get me up." I rubbed my eyes before getting out of bed and going downstairs, Mars sat at the end of the staircase, smiling. "You can't reach the fish again?" She nodded her head and I went and looked to see if there was any fish still left, luckily there were two. I got both out and tossed them to her. "Come on, we need to go fishing, girl," I said, grabbing my rod and bait heading out to which I was greeted by Astrid who was coming to my house. "Oh, hey Astrid." I smiled at her and waved a bit. "Hey, I was just coming to see if you wanted to join the gang for breakfast." She said with a bit of a smile, I smiled back but a bit more nervous. "I'd love to but I was actually about to go fishing, Mars is out of fish and I was just going to wait until later to eat." I saw a bit of disappointment come across her face and I looked away a bit. "Well," Astrid spoke up. "You could always eat and then go fishing." She said and looked away as I started to smile a bit. "Yeah, that is very true," I said and then looked back to her smiling. "I'll come to hang out with you guys for a bit but afterward I really need to get the fish," I said, seeing Astrid smile a bit once more. "Alright, great. Let's go." She said, heading towards The Great Hall.

Astrid's POV.

After going to The Great Hall with (Y/N) I was feeling my stomach tighten up slowly but didn't know what it was. 'Is it her that was giving me that feeling? I have such an odd sensation but I've felt it before... But when..?' "Astrid? Berk to Asssttrriidddd!" I was snapped out of my train of thought. "Yeah?" I look to see who was calling my name, it was (Y/N). "I'm finished with my food so I'm about to leave." She said, getting up and putting her dishes away. "Oh, alright. See you later." I replied and stood up, I had eaten bits and pieces from my plate but not all that much, this feeling was driving me insane. I left The Great Hall and walked home, trying to figure out what was nagging at me. 'What if she's really a spy? Or she really is here to take all the dragons...' I thought to myself as I went onto the top of my house in a spot no one could really see me but I could see a wide range of places, the forge being one, the great hall, a few other places and I just sighed and laid against the tiles. "What if I'm just thinking all this and there's nothing up with her?" I shut my eyes, trying to think. "Astrid." Called a familiar voice, I looked over the side of the house to see Hiccup. "Yeah, what's up Hiccup?" He looked at me and signaled me to come down so I did so. "What?" I ask in a slightly annoyed voice. "Keep an eye on (Y/N), she doesn't know the Island that well yet, She's only been here for a week, getting close to two." I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Yes, chief." I said teasing him knowing he didn't like for some of us to call him 'Chief'. "Hurry up and go find her, a TimberJack might be out there somewhere." He said, being more serious than usual. "Alright, I'm going." I started off, calling Stormfly over. "We need to find (Y/N) girl," I whispered softly to her, hopping on her back and into the saddle.

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