chapter 10 | help

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Jungkook's POV

I was talking to Jaehwa until suddenly she mumbled something. I couldn't really figure out what she was saying. I look away for a second trying to figure out what she said. But right as I turn around, she was about to fall.

"Jaehwa, are you okay?" I caught her just in time but I think she fainted. I held my hand up to her forehead and she was burning.

"Oh my god. Hang on tight, Jaehwa. I got you." I carried her to the bench again and laid her there before a bunch of people started crowding around us. I call the police telling them to come immediately. Eunji then comes out hearing noises outside and sees Jaehwa. She warns everyone so they all came out. As soon as I heard ambulance sirens, I carried her up and took her outside. The people there took her.

"One person can come along." The first aid man says.

"I'll go." Mirae says.

"Um.. No I think I should go." Naeun says.

"I don't care. Right now, Jaehwa needs help. I'll go. Just all of you meet me there. I'll call her uncle." I said getting in. It was really weird for me to act like this. Especially to a girl I barely ever hang out with alone. It was as if I can only focus on Jaehwa. I climb into the back of the ambulance as the door closes. The vehicle starts to move. I take out my phone and look for PDnim's contact before calling him.

PD-nim: "I'm in a meeting right now. I can't-"

Jungkook: "PDnim.. I'm sorry. Jaehwa fainted and she's headed to the Daehagul Hospital. Please come."

PD-nim: "What?! I am truly sorry. Something very urgent has come up and I need to go. We are going to have to reschedule this meeting."

--- A Few Minutes Later ---

We were at the hospital. Jaehwa luckily didn't have to go through surgery and all she needed was some rest. Everyone then came, rushing in.

"We came with two taxis as fast as possible. But there was a traffic jam so that didn't help." I could hear Hoseok say laughing probably trying to lighten up the mood.

"How is she?" Mirae says worrying.

"The doctor says she's fine. She just overworked herself. That's all." I said. Everyone sighed in relief as it looked like they were holding in their breaths.

Hana's POV

We were finally able to visit her. She was awake so I went up to her and since there were seats next to her, everyone sat down besides Eunji and Jungkook. Eunji said she was going to get drinks for all of us and Jungkook said that he would help.

"Are you okay?" I say. She nods smiling.

"You scared us to death." Mirae says making Jae apologize. I pout at her.

"Hana eonni. Are you crying?"

"We thought you were going to die!" I said hugging her.

"Ahh. Needle." She says. I look down as I was pushing her needle.

"Oh sorry. Sorry." I said backing off immediately. Everyone smiles and laughs a bit happy that she's okay. Especially since she's an idol. Luckily, PDnim already sorted this one out. Gives her a couple of days to rest.

Jungkook's POV

We starting preparing what we were going to say to the cashier since we were up next in line for the cafe.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The cashier said.

"Can we have one strawberry soda, one green apple refresher, one Thai coffee, one citrus iced tea, one blueberry milk tea, one peach slushie, one grape juice, one blue raspberry slurpee, one blackberry tea, one coconut water, and one lime smoothie." I say. Oh god. We have a big group.

"Sure. It'll take a few minutes." I pay her as Eunji and I went to go sit down. A few minutes and the drinks were ready. It honestly didn't take that long. We were only gone for like 15 minutes. The bottles they came with were super cute. Seems like something Namjoon hyung would like. As Eunji and I grabbed the bottles, we walked back.

I look up at Jaehwa and see her in this state. She always seemed so tired. She should take care of herself more. I guess I can visit her sometime this week when everyone isn't here. I give everyone their drinks as I walk out. I sit down at the outside bench as I hear the door open.

Naeun's POV

"You okay?" I say looking down at Jungkook who wasn't sitting inside.

"Can I be honest?" He says looking down at the floor.

"Of course. Tell me anything. Is anything bothering you?" I say getting a little worried. He sighs as I wait for him to start talking.

"I just want to talk to her alone." He says pouting.

"Aww.. That's okay. You can. Just come visit her. We all wanted to but we can't because of our schedules but if you can, that'll actually help us a lot." I say.

"Yeah. I think I can come visit. I just hope she gets discharged soon." He smiles faintly and looks at Jaehwa through the window.

Jungkook's POV

I see the doctor come.

"Sorry, visiting hours are over. I'm going to have ask all of you to leave in order for Miss Jaehwa to have some sleep."

"Um... Yes. Of course." I call everyone over from the room trying not to make eye contact with Jaehwa. We all went outside but, PDnim, her uncle was still inside talking to the doctor.

"Hey so do you want to get a taxi or do you want to call the company or what?" Namjoon asks everyone.

"Can't we just call the taxi over there? There's like two over there on that street and we could wait for another one or we could all squeeze into it." I say pointing at the taxi around the corner.

"What about Bang PDnim?" Hana says.

"Run." Jin says jokingly.

"Really guys? I'm right here." PDnim says making Jin widen his eyes. We all laugh at him before PDnim points over at some vans parked on the other side. We all laugh before walking over  to them.


Is it boring? It probably is. Don't worry. It will get exciting. I promise!

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