tower X assasin X exit

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It took a little longer than promised, but here is the new chap. Enjoy :)


Lanya POV

'Why did we go this way again?' I asked the group. I was currently in the tower together with Illumi, Hisoka and a random guy whose name I don't even know.

'Because challenges are fu~n.' Hisoka replied, earlier on we had to choose a way, one being easy but long, the other difficult but fast. Of course, with the vote being tree against one, we went with the diffucult route.

'B-but w-what if we d-d-die?' The guy asked, we just ignored him and continued walking. We then reached a big room, the floor suddenly stopping and a big platform in the middle of the room. The random guy almost fell off the edge, but Illumi stopped him just before he could fall.

'You would do good if you watch where you're going.' He said, his voice tinted with slight amusement. 'Not that I would mind if you fell, I'd gladly push you off actually.' The guy trembled in fear as he quickly stepped back. I laughed at this,

'You're such a teaser Gi-chan.' I giggled at the ridiculous nickname. But it's better than that Troublesomely long name, and I can't really call him Illumi now... Though the guy will probably die soon...

'Sooo, whaat's up with this room?' I said, getting bored of doing nothing, then I heard metal clattering on the ground. Someone stepped forward from the other side, the person was wearing a cape. She pulled off her cape, showing us her face. She had blue hair tied in a messy ponytail and blue eyes. She looked around our age, though I am way prettier than her, of course.

'You do realise that this isn't just for fun?' She said, I raised an eyebrow at this,

'So what, I don't care, my friends set me up to do this, and I won't die, so no problemo right?' I got annoyed by her serious attitude. The only person who I don't mind if he has a serious attitude is Illumi, cuz he's awesome that way.

'This is a trial of strength, both physica-'

'Yeah yeah, bla bla bla, just get to the point, you're boring me. And when I get bored I start killing people. That is a hobby of mine you see...' I started talking about the most random shit just to annoy her. Seeing the irk mark on her forehead growing, I assumed I was succeeding. 'So you see, I always wanted to be an assasin, but when the invitation came, I felt like-'

'ENOUGH!!!!' She yelled out, making me laugh, and I stopped talking. 'One of you will start off in the arena, and will fight for your 'side' Each side is able to swap people two times, and there are four rounds. If someone dies, they may be replaced without using a swap. If your 'side' wins the last round, you will be allowed to pass. If you fail, you will have to stay here until the time ends. Any questions?' I was still laughing, but except for that it was quiet. 'Good, then we'll start. Choose your starting member.' I looked at the stupid guy.

'I vote for the random-guy-whose-name-I-don't-know. You with me peeps?' I asked. 'He'll probably die, though she's kinda weak. So then each of us can have one round, first Hisoka, then me and lastly Gi-chan, Kay?' The rest nodded, so random guy walked to the 'arena', though it's actually a platform... Well, screw that shit, he almost shit in his pants by the WayXD. No kidding, I could see his pants almost dropped under the weightXD.

'Let's begin. I wonder how you got here like this though...' The woman said. She pulled out two daggers, throwing one to random guy. I had finally finished laughing and looked at them.

'Do you know her? Gi-chaaan? Neee, do you know her??' He just ignored me, looking at the two, standing still as statues. 'Nanda no reaction!!! Ne, Hisoka, why won't he reply?' I asked him, he raised his shoulders. I poked him, trying to get a reaction out of him.

Wanted?! ( A Hunter X Hunter ff And Illumi Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora