Hunter X Exam X Illumi?

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The day of the hunter exam:

The hunter exam was in this weird room underground, it was boring and there was nothing to do.

When we stepped out of the elevator we both got a plate, Hisoka number 44 and me 45.

The guy who gave us the plates looked at Hisoka very terrified.

When I looked around I couldn't see Illumi yet.

After a minute or five I saw Killua stepping out the elevator.

'Eh, Hisoka what do we do if killua recognises us?' I asked Hisoka.

'Well, we are just here for the license so there should be nothing supsicious.' He said. And he was right, I was here for the challenge with Machi. Nothing suspicious.

'I hope Illumi comes quick<3' Hisoka said looking at me with a grin on his face. I hit him in the face with some air. His smile became even bigger.

Then a guy bumped into Hisoka. I could tell from his face what he was planning.

He turned around and I blew the guy against the wall, I made sure he couldn't move. Then Hisoka got a card and cut of the arm of the guy.

He got his card and said to the dude 'Next time apolagise if you bump into someone.' And he walked back, I let the guy go. I just had to laugh at the sight of the guy in total shock screaming 'I have no arms!' The idiot.

Then I saw Illumi in disguise and walking towards us. OMG, he disguised himself! Now doesn't look so pretty anymore :(

'Why did you do this?' I asked him.

'I need to get my little brother back, right?' He said in this very annoing voice.

'Yes, but you still haven't anwserd my question. Why in disguise?' I asked again.

'Killua can not notice me jet, otherwise he will run away even further. That's why. But I swear when we're alone I'll turn back normal.' He said. I didn't need to look to know Hisoka was laughing.

'What are you doing here anyway?' Illumi asked.

'She has a challenge with Machi to complete the exam. And you know my reason.' Hisoka said.

When I looked around I saw three rookies with huge auras.

They have potential.

'I have to go otherwise killua might get suspicious.' Illumi said and walked off.

'Wait! Why so fast?' I asked.

'I told you, he might get suspicious.' Illumi said and walked off in the very big crowd.

Then a guy came out the ceiling and started talking.

'Hello every one, I am your first examiner. I wilk take you to the second exam centre. follow me!' He said and started running.

Hisoka and I walked at the very end of the very big group of people.

After we were running for two hours or so, I noticed that the rookies weren't in the group anymore.

'Ey, Hisoka. Do you know where the rookies went?' I asked him

They wen't back to get the oldest rookie back, he was with tompa. The 'rookie crusher', or atleast they call him that.' Hisoka informed me. Only now I noticed that Killua was gone too, probably with the rookies. I was on the point of telling Hisoka when the wall up ahead broke and the rookies, together with Killua came out.

This was actually kind of boring, even for a go-lucky trip.

Then there were alot of stairs and alot more people couldn't keep up anymore. When finally at the exit we stopped and the door closed.

Suddenly a guy came out from behind the wall and coughed to get attention.

'Everyone, he is a cheater! He isn't the examiner, I am the real examiner! He plans on killing you all at once!' He said and threw a weird monkey thing with a human face in front of our feet.

'He is a monkey, just like this one! They learned the human speech and try to fool people into the swamp!' He continued.

But I could see that the guy who had guided us was an experianced nen user and the other guy totally not.

Everyone was discussing who was the right guy, and who to trust.

'Can't we just tell everyone?' I asked Hisoka, considering telling them about nen.

'No too high risk, and they can't see it that easily as you or me.' He said.

Then Hisoka got eight cards and threw four at the examiner and four to the other person.

Satzo catched them with ease, but the other guy got penitrated and I think he died....

Everyone now knew that satzo-san was the right guy and the other guy was an imposter.

When the imposter's body hit the ground, the example monkey ran off.

'He wasn't dead?' Alot of people asked in suprise.

'If you ever act that way again you'll be disqualified.' Satzo said.

Last year he also got in this kind of shit, hopefully he won't fuck up this time, it'll be a pain in the ass to do everything alone....

Wanted?! ( A Hunter X Hunter ff And Illumi Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin