Chapter 29
You put on a poker face. You rolled your eyes and trying to slam the door in his face. "Woah... excuse me?! After all I did to come here you're going to slam the door in my face?" "Yes." He held the door open.
"Then what the fuck are you doing here?" He smirked as Chanyeol opened the door wider to see who it was. "Oh. I am so sorry to ruin the moment you guys were having. I just wanted to drop by and see how everything was."
Chanyeol frowned. "Aren't you going to invite me in? That is mere hospitality." "Fuck off sassy gay ass." "Says the one who invited me." "When did I-" Chanyeol gently pushed you to the side. He leaned in and whispered to you. "Mianhe Hye Jung ah."
You only shook your head to tell him that it was alright. He then pulled Baekhyun in by grabbing his wrist unintentionally making the latter blush. He closed the door and pushed Baekhyun against the door.
He trapped him against the door by placing both hands against the door on each side of him. You smirked to yourself noticing Baekhyuns seemingly annoyed face but even you saw how red his ears got.
"Can you stop ruining my moments with Hye Jung Bae? Please?" "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't let you have sex before I barged in." He smirked. "What is your problem Bae? We talked about this."
"Problem? There's no problem. What makes you think there's a problem." At first he said it slightly mockingly. As he said the last line his face turned completely innocent. Too innocent.
Chanyeols face contorted. His face turned worrisome. "I fucking texted you, called you and you wouldn't fucking answer so I fucking came here." "Bae-" He cut Chanyeol off. "Forget it. Seeing as I'm not fucking welcome here I'll just fucking leave so you two can have sex."
He moved forward when he said that but Chanyeol only grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the couch. He sat him down and you merely walked to the kitchen to prepare some coffee and snacks for them.
"Tell me. What happened?" "They came again. My family. They... took more." "Let me see." He lifted up his shirt to reveal a new scar. Chanyeol looked at it and examined it. "'d you get here then? It happened just yesterday didn't it?"
"How fucking else?! I obviously tracked your phone and walked here." "Aren't you sore?" "Yes..." He smiled bitterly. "But I learned how to handle the pain." "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE?!"
"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DIDN'T ANSWER YOUR PHONE! YOU PROBABLY LOOKED AT IT AND KNOWING IT WAS ME JUST REJECTED THE CALL!!" Chanyeol realizing his fault looked down guiltily. "...mianhe Bae... I didn't realize how urgent your call was."
"Why... don't tell me you actually think I would just come here to ruin your loving moment?!" Chanyeol stared at him. "Fine. Maybe I would but still. I actually have some sort of manners thank you very much."
He thought for a moment. Chanyeol then yelled angrily,"HOW CAN THEY JUST KEEP TAKING AND TAKING AND TAKING!! YOU'RE A HUMAN BEING TOO!!" "Yea well thats my family. Pretty heartless and they get mad if I don't do what they say. I should be mad."
"You should! Get mad! They deserve it!! Those bastards!! They don't deserve you as a family member!" "Either way... they're still my family." "Why don't you just run away?" "I have no where to go... I would have ran away with you but... I can't do that any more."
It got a bit awkward so you cut into their conversation. "Sorry to cut in but here are your drinks and some snacks." "Wow." Baekhyun looked at you astonished. "You actually have some manners!"
You gave him a face saying obviously-I-do-thank-you-very-much. "Actually I think it's you who doesn't have any manners to be quite honest." "Ouch. I bought you a drink thank you very much."
"And you also barged into my home but since you seem to have a serious problem I won't give it much thought." "Calculative much?" "Whatever. Drink and eat before it gets cold."
He looked at you before taking his cup and sipping before his face contorted and he almost spit it out. Almost. "What the fuck?!" "Mwoh?" "The hell woman?! Your coffee is fucking bitter as hell!! Don't you put in milk or sugar or something?!"
You laughed. "The fuck? Do you not have eyes? Sugar on the table and milk I'll get it for you if you want." "It's obvious that you should put it in before telling me to drink it!" "How should I know how much you want?!"
"Triple triple with three extra packages of sugar." Now it was your time to choke on your coffee. "No wonder you're so hyper! Triple triple plus three! What the fuck are you a freaking child tongue?!"
"What the fuck is a child tongue?! Can you not speak korean?!" "When you have the tongue of a child because you love sweets I think its pretty self explanatory." "You're retarded."
"You're stupid." "You're a whore." "You're a fucktard." "You're a princess." "You're gay." "HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO BRING MY FUCKING SEXUAL ORIENTATION INTO THIS!!" "Whatever sassy gay ass."
Chanyeol who was just watching slightly amusedly said,"GUYS GUYS GUYS!!" You both looked at him. "We're not here to fight. Can't you guys at least get along while I'm here?"
You both sighed and said,"Fine." "So anyways what's wrong with you?" You curiously asked Baekhyun. He contemplated whether or not to tell you. He was leaning against it and looked at Chanyeol who urged him with his face to tell you.
When he looked at him skeptically Chanyeol said,"It's okay Bae. You can trust her. She won't tell anybody." You looked at him. "You really doubt me don't you?" "That I do." You looked at him with sincere eyes.
"I know you don't like me and we agree that we don't have the best relationship with each other. We're even now so we both don't hold grudges against each other. I can promise you one thing. When I am told a secret. I always keep it. No matter what. I promise you. You can trust me."
He sighed. "Fine... my family is... messed up. Ever since a while ago they forced me to donate half of my liver to people underground so that they can make money."
HERE IS AN UPDATE!! OKAY WHO FEELS SORRY FOR BAEKHYUN NOW?! ARE YOUR EMOTIONS GOING CRAZY AND NOW YOU'RE CONFUSED AS TO WHO IS THE GOOD OR BAD GUYS? If so, then I did my job. Hahahaaa~ sawryyy~ you jumped on the drama train that moves like a rollercoaster! THANK YOU FOR READING, COMMENTING AND SUBSCRIBING!! PLEASE LET THOSE COMMENTS FLOOD MY NOTIFICATIONS. *sobs* LOVE YOU ALL. Btw... if possible I may update like 10 chapters today... if I can... and... yeah...