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Y/n's P.O.V.
Today was the first day of senior year in my new school. It was pretty hard to move from Seattle to LA. I loved Seattle because how the weather felt and how all the plants there were nice and fresh. I missed my friends over there but today is the day we're I can restart and start a new beginning.

You got up from your bed and head to the shower. Once you got out you pick your outfit for the day and got dressed. After that you did your makeup and did your hair. You got up and got your bright pink backpack, your phone, and your earbuds and headed down stairs.
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Once you toke your last step from coming down the stairs you went straight to the kitchen and made some coffee

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Once you toke your last step from coming down the stairs you went straight to the kitchen and made some coffee. You went to the cabinet and grabbed a granola bar, got your coffee, and got your car keys and headed out the door.

While you were driving your were thinking about how people will think about you. You kinda had social anxiety but sometimes when you're brave enough to talk to someone you get very social. Once you got to the school you got out of your car and was heading to the front doors of the school.

After you walked in the school people started to stare at you but you ignored it. You went to the office which you already know where to go because before you started your first day of school you wanted to see around the school to know where to go. The principal gave you your schedule and you walked out of the room. You got your class just in time before the bell rang. The teacher told you to sit in the back right corner where there was a empty seat. You sat down but right when you put your things down you hear the door open and heard the teacher say " late again Mr. Pimentel." You heard that last name before so you looked up and it was your celebrity crush. Joel Pimentel. You couldn't believe he was hear like right there and now. Your mouth dropped and you closed it once you realized that you did. " I'm sorry Mrs. T, I promise I won't do it again" he said all scared. " you better not or you will have to get a detention in the office." Mrs. T said. Joel walked away and sat right next to you and put his head down on the desk. You got really sweaty and got really shy. You stared at him because you wanted to say something but before you could the teacher called you and said " Mrs. y/n please stand up and introduce yourself." You got really nervous and was scared to stand so you stand up pretty slowly and stayed like that for a while and looked at the teacher. She you gave a 'you can do it' look and you toke a deep breathe and begin to talk. " hi, I'm y/n and I'm from Seattle and ya." You sat down and noticed that Joel was staring at you the whole time. You put your head down and started to just think for a bit. In the middle of class you felt someone tapped you on the shoulder so you pick up your head from the desk and looked it was...

A/n: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and hope to make more and thank you for reading this book.

Words: 590


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