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In the middle of class you felt someone tapped you on the shoulder so you pick up your head from the desk and looked it was Joel.

Y/n: yes

You said while putting your hair around your ear

Joel: can you help me on number 2

Y/n: ya sure

After you helped each other you both Exchanged phone numbers.

Joel: hey do you want to hang out with me and my friends after school?

Y/n: um, ya sure

Joel: alright cool then

You guys went back to work and then 10 minutes later the bell rang. You were about to leave Joel stoped you

Joel: hey I didn't get your name?

Y/n: oh it's Y/n. What about yours.

You said trying to act that you didn't know him at all

Joel: my name is Joel.

Y/n: oh well nice to meet you I have to go.

Joel: wait one more thing.

Y/n: yes

Joel: which class do you have right now.

Y/n: oh um hold up

You pulled out your schedule out of your pocket and gave it to him. You saw he was scanning through it.

Joel: wow we have all classes with each other!

Y/n: wait really!

Joel: ya!

Y/n: well then do you want to walk to class together?

Joel: sure.

You guys walked and talked to your guys class and Joel opened the door to the classroom for you.

Y/n: aww thanks.

You said walking in and him right after you. Once you you looked up at your classroom and saw who your classmates we're you saw 2 people that you recognized. It was...


A/n: I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and ya lol. Oh also if you realized that I changed some things of my writing then um ya you saw it. Ok I'm gonna go

Date: 11/18/18

Words: 319

Is it true love? | Joel Pimentel |Where stories live. Discover now