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It read...



Omg I'm...I'm pregnant

Y/n:I'm gonna be a mother

I began to cry of joy

Joel: and I'm the father!!!

I felt Joel's arms snaking around my waist and he pick me up and spin me around, I began to laugh

I saw his stained cheeks

He was crying as well

My heart just started to melt when I saw that Joel was crying

I have a feeling that he's the one and only

I felt like he really did care for me and the baby

And I'm actually ready to have this baby with him

[Joel's POV]

I can't believe this

The girl who I fell in love with is now caring our baby

I began to cry

I can't wait to raise this baby with y/n

She's the one and only and I'm going to keep it that way

Y/n: I'm gonna be a mother

Joel: and I'm the father!!!

I said picking up y/n and spinning her around while she laughed

[y/n's POV]

Joel put me down and we kissed

Y/n: i can't believe I'm caring a human baby inside of me right now.

Joel: I can't believe that I'm gonna be the father

We hugged

I then ended up throwing up on Joel

I laughed

Y/n: first let's get daddy in the shower

Joel smirks

Y/n: i wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the baby

I said holding my stomach

Y/n: well go get in the shower, I don't want the baby daddy looking like a hot mess

Joel: alright fine

Joel walked up to me and kissed me then the belly

{3 months later}

My pregnant belly began to show and now that I'm almost finished with the first trimester, you can finally tell that I'm pregnant so me and Joel decided to tell our family since they're gonna see me with a  bump so mine as well

Is it true love? | Joel Pimentel |Where stories live. Discover now