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I went under the blanket that was on Joel since it was big enough for two people and fell asleep.


I woke up to the birds chirping. I looked to my left and didn't see Joel next to me but I smelled something good coming from the kitchen. So I got up, did my morning routine and head to the kitchen

Once I got there, I saw Joel shirtless cooking some eggs and bacon. I went up to him and hugged him from behind

Y/n: wow! Didn't know you can cook

Joel: you don't know what else I can do

Y/n: like what?

Joel turned around and passionately kissed me

Joel: that.

I giggled

I let go of Joel and was about to sit down at the dining table when the doorbell rang. I looked at Joel and he shrugged so I went to go see who it was and

It was a police officer

PO: sorry to interrupt miss but we got complaints from next door saying that there was so much noise that they couldn't sleep. Care to explain?

Y/n: i was really that loud

I whispered to myself about what happened last night but I said it loud enough for the officer to hear me

PO: Oh well... um thanks for the info... um next time just be a little quieter

The officer laughed a little

Y/n: oh um ok... thanks goodbye

I closed the door and looked at Joel who was next to me hearing the conversation

Then we began to laugh

We stopped and went to go eat. When we were done eating breakfast, we sat down and watched some movies and started cuddling

After awhile my stomach began to feel weird. I suddenly had a feeling to throw up so I ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. Joel saw me running to the restroom so he followed. He ended up helping me putting my hair out of my face and rubbing my back so I can throw up some more.

I cleaned myself up and then the bathroom.

Y/n: Joel can you go to the pharmacy and pick up something for me

Joel: ya, ya anything

Y/n: can you get me a pregnancy test?

Joel: are you sure?

He said nervously

Y/n: yes!

Joel: alright then

Joel left and so I went to go and lay down on my bed

[Joel's POV]

I went to the pharmacy to pick up a pregnancy test for y/n

I'm happy that y/n could be pregnant to be honest just because that means I'm going to be a father!

But I'm also scared if she's not then what's going happened...

I arrived at the pharmacy and went to the isle where they had pregnancy test

I noticed that there were condoms next to them so I ended up getting some

Right before I was going to the cashier I breathed in and out to calm myself and hoping that the cashier won't judge me

I finally went up to the cashier lady and plopped the stuff down and made no eye contact

Cashier: $3.50 please

I gave her the money and basically ran out of the pharmacy

[Y/n's POV]

I was woken up by Joel shaking me lightly

I got up, grabbed the bag and ran into the bathroom closing the door kinda hard

I grabbed the box and opened it to get the pregnancy test. I then put the small box of pregnancy tests inside of my cabinet just incase.

I pulled down my underwear because I was just wearing a shirt and underwear.

I peed on the test and finished doing my business

I set the test where the front is facing down on the sink and washed my hands

I walked out of my bathroom and closed the door. I then set a timer for 5 minutes

I sat down on the floor with my back to the bathroom door. I then feel a pair of strong arms around my waist

Joel: if anything, we are staying together.

Y/n: awe

I cried and hugged him

Joel: will you be my girlfriend, y/n

Y/n: YES!

-5 minutes later-

The timer went off and I looked at Joel scared but he reassured me that everything is going to be okay as long as I'm with him

We got up and went in to the bathroom together holding hands

We walk over and i picked up the test

I looked at Joel once more then at the test

I flipped it and I was so surprised

It read...

Date: 7/30/19

A/n: sorry for the cliffhanger!!!🤪btw I'm sorry that this chapter is a little short but next chapter will hopefully be longer. I wrote this in 5 in the morning so I gtg bye, cuties😘


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