An uncalled for fight [4]

291 16 1

11:15 am
Downtown LA, at the mall
——— 🌻———

"Zach! Come try this on." Daniel held a black t-shirt with a rose on the top corner.

Zachary took the shirt and disappeared into the changing rooms.

When he came out, Zach twirled around in the shirt Daniel had chosen for him.

"Zachy, that looks..." Daniel paused, "breathtakingly amazing on you."

Zachary's cheeks became a dark shade of pink. "Thanks dani. I really like this one, let me see how much it is."

Just as Zach was about to grab the price tag, Daniel stopped him.

"The price doesn't matter, Zachy. All that matters is that you like it. Looking stunning in it is just a plus," Daniel winked.

"But daniel. I can't let you just go spend a whole bunch of money on me," Zach protested.

"Too bad. I'm buying you a brand new La exclusive wardrobe. I did promise you that on the first day we met, didn't I?" Daniel took a sip of his lemonade.

"If I recall properly, you did. And I protested because you don't have to go out of your way for me. I'm literally just a fan to you, so why bother?"

Those words hit Daniel in the chest like a bag of bricks. He wanted to hug Zach and tell him he likes him, you know? Do all those couple things. But he couldn't.

"Can you hurry up and change back, I'm buying that shirt and we're leaving."

Zachary was confused, "oh, okay."

The car ride home was one of the most awkward ones Zach has ever had. There were many times he wanted to talk to break the silence but he decided, it was best to leave things alone.

When the car pulled into the driveway, Daniel turned off the ignition and walked straight into the house, upstairs, not waiting for Zach.

Daniel's actions confused and hurt Zachary. He didn't know what he did wrong but he didn't want to ask Daniel why he was mad, just in case it made things worse. He knew from experience that asking what he did wrong made him seem like he was acting 'innocent' and that acting like that would get him a beating.

He never really knew what his exes problem was, only that he liked to hit Zach continuously until he was on the ground with tears streaming down his face, and blood spewing out of his gashes. Everyday, there would always be a new bruise, gash, cut, broken bone. The hospital just thought Zach was a dare devil because he was too scared to talk out about what Shawn did to him.

Zachary didn't think Daniel was the type of guy to get mad and hit him, but he didn't want to test his luck. Instead, Zach went for a walk to think and to give Daniel some space.

He left a note on the kitchen table just in case Daniel came downstairs before he got back.

Dear Daniel, it read. I have went for a walk to think and give you some space to calm down. Will be back soon, xx Zachary.

Zach pulled on the maroon hoodie Daniel had lent him, and stepped outside into the warm air. In reality he didn't need a hoodie because it was way too hot, but it was a routine for him. Go outside, wear hoodie, nobody sees the bruises. Zachary didn't have bruises anymore, just the scars constantly reminding him everyday that deep down, he was a broken mess with a shitty past.

Zach Herron was new to La, one year he was going to go for a family trip but then got grounded and had to stay home. Zachary didn't know what way led to what and he didn't want to get lost. He made up his mind and started  west down the street.

After ten minutes of walking, Zach found a small little coffee shop. Intrigued by the old fashioned interior and exterior, Zachary found himself entering the shop and sitting at a booth.

"Hello sir! What can I get for you on this beautiful day?" A girl who looked almost exactly like Daniel asked him.

Zachary thought he was hallucinating so he blinked and looked at her again. Nope, he wasn't hallucinating. This girl could count as Daniel's twin.

"Oh uh," he stuttered, still shocked and confused, "I'll just get an iced vanilla latte."

"Okay, coming right up," the waitress smiled at Zach.

"Thanks," Zachary read her name tag, "Anna."

Once Zach finished his iced latte, he decided to go back to Daniel's house. Zachary knew he wasn't lost as soon as he walked up to the big black door.

When Zach walked in the house, Daniel looked up at him.

"Hi Zach."

"Hello Daniel."

"No need for the attitude."

"Coming from the one who just randomly got mad at me this morning without telling me why, what I did wrong!" Zachary yelled.

"Maybe because sometimes you don't think about the effects your words have on other people!"

Zach laughed, "you've got to be kidding. You're mad because I said I'm just a fan to you? Well news flash! I actually am just a fan."

The two boys were really close now, the anger radiating off one another. Zachary could feel Daniel's hot breath fanning onto his face.

Then, Daniel did something that none of them were expecting. He grabbed Zach's face in between his big hands, pulled him closer, and smashed their lips together.

That's when Zachary found himself kissing back.

——— 🌻 ———
So first off, all I have to say to that ending is uwu.
Second off, I hope at least some of y'all got my Dolan twins pun wit the iced vanilla latte.
Third, I kinda based the ending off a scene in the notebook because noah and ally are fucking couple goals and I love them so much. Okay bye now! 💗🥵

— jaymi <3

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