A definite no [12]

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the why don't we house
Los Angeles, California

Both Daniel and Zachary could not believe the shit Jonah just confessed. Daniel didn't know whether he should knock Jonah out or let Zach deal with it. Zachary didn't know whether to feel bad for the guy or to hate him.

Daniel decided to say the first words, "did you really just confess your love to my fucking boyfriend?" Zach put his hand on Daniel's chest, warning him not to start another fight because the other girls got back from girls day and were around the house somewhere.

"I did. And I know it's a shitty thing to do, considering I have Tate, but I talked to her about how I was struggling with myself and she was so supportive. She told me that she'd be willing to have an open relationship so I could experiment."

"I bet you didn't fill her in on the part where you're fucking in love with my boyfriend. But oh wait, then she wouldn't agree to let you sleep around, now would she?"

"Daniel, sweetheart. I appreciate you sticking up for me, but I can solve my own battles okay? I'm not a little boy who needs your protection. Can you go make plans with Chrissy and Corbyn?"

"Ugh fine," Daniel kissed Zach's forehead, "holler if you need anything okay? I'm gonna go find them and make plans for us."

Once Daniel left, Zachary sat closer to Jonah and took his hand, "Jonah, I really appreciate your attraction to me, and although I used to think the tall, muscular, brooding act was so sexy, I don't anymore. Daniel is my love. He's my type, and I don't think I'll ever be able to love anyone other than him."

Jonah didn't say anything, so Zach continued, "maybe if I wasn't so in love with Daniel..." before Zachary could finish his sentence, he felt Jonah's lips on his own.

Instantly, Zach pulled away and smacked Jonah in the face. Zachary started tearing up, "how dare you kiss me as if I'm your own personal whore at your disposal. I cant believe you."

Once Zach left the room, the tears kept coming and they wouldn't stop. He ran upstairs into his and Daniel's shared bedroom and locked the door. He sunk down with his back against the door and sobbed.

He couldn't stop crying, he felt so dirty. Would Daniel be mad at him? He didn't mean to kiss Jonah. Technically, he didn't even kiss Jonah, he kissed Zach.

Zachary hopped in the shower trying to wash off the dirty feeling. When he got out it was still there. It was no use, he was going to have to tell Daniel about the nasty kiss.

Just thinking about telling Daniel about how he's technically a dirty cheater, made Zach burst out into tears again. He was silenced by a knock on the door.

"Zach, is your bitchass alright? We can hear you crying from downstairs. Daniel was going to check on you but I decided to come because we haven't vented in a long time." It was Christina.

Zachary slowly got off the bed and unlocked the door. When Christina got into the bedroom, he shut the door and locked it again. "Zach you look like shit, what happened?"

"I'm a dirty little whore like I said aren't I? Daniel's going to hate me and then I'm going to lose the best thing to ever happen to me. Oh no, I can't bear to tell him."

"Woah slow down. What the fuck happened? I'm not following you, you need to calm down and tell me everything."

Zach calmed down and told Christina about how the first time he met Jonah, it was at Daniel's house and he had nothing on except for boxers and Daniel's shirt and then how since that day, Jonah hasn't liked him.

Then, he told her about Jonah confessing that he loves him. "Oh Christina, I was telling him about how much I love Daniel and how Daniel's the one for me and then he kissed me."

"Did you slap that fucking bitch?" Christina got pissed. After hearing that story, her best friend protection instincts kicked into full gear.

"I did, I felt so dirty and disgusting. I showered and I still feel like that. He's going to hate me isn't he? We're going to break up now."

"If you tell Daniel exactly what you told me, there's no way he's going to be mad. It's not like you instigated it or kissed him back. Calm down, you'll be fine."

That's when Zachary found himself nervous to tell Daniel about the 'incident'.

Idk if bloody hell is like an English stereotype but I really
Felt as if bloody hell sums up this chapter
I'm sorry for making Jonah a hoe.

— Jaymi <3

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