Chapter 1: Frozen Waterfalls

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(Bill's POV)

Ahhhhh the coldness in the air felt like little knives poking at me. I smiled at the thought. I looked at the beautiful goddess next to me and my smile grew.

"What?" Ashley Northwest asked me as she shivered in the cold.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she smiled through her chattering teeth.

"Nothing. Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend. Is that illegal now?" I reply.

Ashley rolled her eyes and we walked to my apartment that I share with my brothers. I unlock the door and usher my girlfriend through the door before closing it.

"Will? Kill? We're home!" I yell, and I hear Kill grumble a response.

Will comes sprinting down the halls and engulfs my girlfriend in a hug.

"You're so cold! Bill!!!" Will calls me out as he feels Ashley's hands.

I shrug and go to the kitchen to make some cocoa. Ashley turned eighteen in September, and she decided to move in with us. I made an extra bed in my room because I didn't want her to live somewhere unfamiliar. We hadn't made her a key to the place yet, but I was working on it. Ash said she wanted to make it herself, so I am waiting on her, but she hasn't done it yet. I finish making the cocoa and bring it out to warm Ashley up. She is on the couch talking with Will about Christmas plans.

"Yeah, my aunt and uncle are making that huge dance at their place and of course I have to go, but it isn't on Christmas, it's on the winter solstice."

"What if I go? Would you enjoy it then?" I tease, and I hand her the cocoa.

"Of course. You make the dullest moments feel like an adventure."

I smile and give her a quick kiss before falling beside her, cocoa in hand. Will sighed.

"What's up bro?"

"Just thinking."



"I assume you don't mean Violetta?" Ashley asks quietly, and Will shakes his head.

I wave my arm and hand my cocoa to Ashley as Will comes over and sobs into my shoulder.

"I-I m-miss her s-so much!" Will cries as I fight to keep the tears away.

"I know... I do too."

Ashley gave me a sympathetic look and patted my arm. I gave a sad smile and continue to hush Will. He finally got himself under control and walked to his room. Rubbing my temples, I sigh, and Ashley pats my arm again. I wrap my arms around her and grab my cocoa.

"Have you found anything?" Ashley asks quietly.

"No. The area was clear. Strange and Wi-my sister were never found in any other town."

"You can say her name you know, I knew her too, a little."

"Thanks babe, it's just too painful right now."

Ashley nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. I finished my cocoa and turned on the TV. Some Christmas movie was on, but I fell asleep before anything dramatic happened.

(Will's POV)

My sobs were muffled in the pillow that my face was drowning in. I heard Kill boxing in the next room. My eye burned from the tears and I knew I looked like a mess. I forced myself up and walked to the mirror in my room. Yup. I look terrible. Snapping my fingers, I watched as my appearance turned to passable. Ever since Willa disappeared, all of us have been on edge. She made me and my brothers sane. Without her, all of us didn't know what we were doing with our lives. Kill was often angry, I was always sad, the only time I feel true happiness is when Violetta is with me. Bill... well he hid his emotions. I just know it. He was miserable the first two months after her disappearance. Outside the snow had begun to fall again. I sighed and sat down on my bed with my phone.

You: Hey Vi. How do you like the weather?

Vi <3: I love it!!! U?

You: I like it. First Christmas with you and in this town. :D

Vi <3: Can't wait love. How are you, really? Need me to come over?

You: Thanks Vi, but I think I am fine. Bill helped earlier... but coffee doesn't sound 2 bad rn... L

Vi <3: K, meet me @ G's in ten mins. I got you boo. J

You: I love you so much ToT

Vi <3: I <3 u 2. See ya! ;)

I said and put the phone in my pocket as I grabbed my sweater and coat.

"Bill! I am going out!" I say as I walk into the living room.

I spot my brother and his girlfriend passed out on the couch with a Christmas movie on. Smiling, I knocked on Kill's door. He opened it, sweating and with bloody knuckles.

"Hey, I am meeting Vi at Greasy's in a few. Bill and Ash are out on the couch sleeping. Just wanted you to know."

"Thanks, I guess?" Kill said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well normally I would ask Bill, but he is out. So, you are the next oldest-" I was interrupted by being picked up by my collar.

My eye widened as Kill got in my face. I tried to shrink away, but I was hovering in the air.

"Are you suggesting that she can be replaced!?!"

"W-What?!?!?" I stammered, "No! Kill, no one can replace Willa. Please put me down and clean your knuckles before Bill wakes up..."

Kill set me down and I took a sigh of relief, glad my face hadn't met Kill's fist.

"Like he would care. He likes blood and pain."

Kill followed me out to the door and he turned in towards the kitchen.

"Bill might not, but Willa would."

And with that... I closed the door behind me and swallowed the guilt.

Miracle Twins (Sequel to The Other Twin)Where stories live. Discover now