Chapter 4: Construction Crew

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(Kill's POV)

I opened the door and brushed the dirt off my clothes. The blood from my knuckles had hardened. If I wanted to, I could heal and clean myself up, but I really don't care.

"Williams?! I am home," I call as I go to my room.

I heard no response, so I just ignored it. Closing the door, I sighed, and was suddenly grabbed. Luckily for me, I fight, so I pushed whoever was on top of me and sent them into the wall. I turned and faced my brother, Bill, smirking in satisfaction as he stood up straight and popped his back.

"Ah... I see you havent grown rusty."

"Old habits die hard."

"As does blood."

I turn and look at Bill, "What?"

"Your knuckles. Care to explain?" Bill smirks at me as he leans against the wall.

Will sits down on my bed and I clean up my knuckles. I grab my boxing gloves and start punching my punching bag. She made it in such a way that I could use all my power and it still wouldn't break or burst. Will curled up in a ball and watched me while Bill spoke.

"We need to talk about something."


Bill sighed, "Look, Will and I get it, losing W-Willa was not easy... but you need to take better control of yourself! Look at you! Sneaking into secret gangs..."

My eye widened, and I stared at Bill.

"Don't think I don't have a tracker on your power Kill. See, look at you! You've forgotten so many things!" Bill snapped his fingers and the Letter appeared in his hand. "She specifically told you to keep your temper! And you release your rage on us and on others! Will told me what happened earlier! Get ahold of yourself!"

I looked down and realized what he spoke was the truth. What had I become? I shook with a feeling a haven't really ever felt. It was like guilt, or rage, or desperation. My heart squeezed and something stung my eye. Arms were suddenly around me and I looked down to see Will, giving me a hug. I hugged him back and sighed.... I really do love my family... What's left of it anyways.

(Ashley's POV)

I got home, I was going to knock but then I noticed it was open a little bit... Gulping, I went inside and quietly placed my groceries on the kitchen counter. I turned around and I saw an eye. I yelped a little and jumped back, sending my hip into the corner of the counter. Bill hugged me.

"Sorry... is your hip alright?" I could hear him smiling.

"Yeah... you just scared me. Why was the door unlocked?"

"I sensed you coming and unlocked the door. I didn't want to wake my brothers. They passed out from crying."

"Kill? Crying? Did I come to the right dimension?" I raised an eyebrow.

Bill chuckled and grabbed my hips, "Yes, you did. I just... you know... Well, you see Will and I want to break Kill. He has gotten into the nasty habit of hiding or burying all his feelings and he is unbearable."

I nodded, I understood. I went almost two years without smiling, of course I got punished, but I showed my parents that I have more will than they care to break.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask, they are like family.

"Nah, I think everything will blow over and we'll be alright. Thanks, Love." Bill kissed my forehead and we unloaded the groceries. "What is this?" Bill holds up a bag of potatoes.

"Potatoes, I thought we could have baked potatoes for dinner tomorrow night and they were half off, speaking of that. There should be bacon somewhere, could you put that in the fridge?"

"Yeah of course."

"I have a question..."


"If your sister is... gone, how come her magic is still making the furniture and stuff?"

Bill's eyebrows furrowed together. He stared at the apples he had in his hand and went completely silent.


Suddenly, Bill had his hands on my shoulders and I winced as my shoulder got sent into the wall.

"What did you say?"

"W-Willa.... if she was dead.... how could she maintain this magic?" I cowered and shook under his tight grip.

His eye widened, and he let me go, "WILL! KILL! Get out here!!"

The two brothers came out, hair crazy, and still rubbing sleep from their eyes.

"Willa is alive."

"What!?!?" Both said simultaneously.

"How?" Will asked, mouth gaped open.

"How else could she keep all this magic going? All our furniture? It was magic! How can it still be here, if she isn't alive anymore? She is alive!" Bill said, excitement practically radiating off of him.

"You're right! Bill you're a genius!" Kill exclaimed, smiling.

"Actually, Ashley thought of it."

I shyly smiled and went to unload more groceries. Suddenly, again, three pairs of arms were around me as the brothers hugged me.

"Thank you so much Ashley! We have hope again," Kill whispered in my ear.

"Guys, we still don't know where she is. We just know she is alive..." I said, quietly.

"Yeah, but at least we don't have to act like we are at a funeral!"

"Fair point."

Happy demons was better than angry ones. I giggled as they were all eager to help with dinner, insisting that I take a break from taking care of them.

(Will's POV)

I happily obliged to help make dinner. Homemade pizza and cannoli. My brothers and I finally finished it all and called Ashley to dinner. We all sat down and began eating.

"H-hey guys?"

"Yeah Will?" Bill asks with pizza in his mouth.

"I... want your opinion on something..."


"Uhm... well... you know Vi and I are really close... and I was thinking of... well, proposing."

All of them stared at me with wide eyes.

"You are going to put the last nail in the coffin? Nice bro!" Kill said next to me as he slapped my back.

"Heh... yeah... Am I making the right decision?"

Ashley stared at me, then grabbed a cannoli, "Well, does she make you happy?"

"Yeah, she is what got me through these past few months."

"Well then go for it," Ashley beamed at me and I smiled.

"Alright! Then I will ask her soon, I just need a ring."

Bill chuckled, "Yeah... you might want that."

Miracle Twins (Sequel to The Other Twin)Where stories live. Discover now