Chapter 13: Meeting Old Friends

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As we arrived at the Mystery Shack, I felt a wave of nostalgia hit me. Smiling, I walked up to the door and knocked. Through the thin walls I heard Grunkle Stan.

"Who is knocking on my door on Christmas morning?"

I heard footsteps on the creaky wooden floors and Mabel answered the door. She looked up, "Can I— oh my.... WILLA?!?!"

I grunted as the thirteen-year-old hugged me, her hair smelled like a Christmas tree and strawberry shampoo. I chuckled and squeezed her back, it felt nice being with friends again. Mabel released and wiped a tear away, "Come on!" We walked inside and Mabel called her brother. Dipper walked in and said hello to everyone, but his eyes stopped when he saw me.

"W-W-Willa...?" Dipper stuttered.

"Hey kid," I smiled.

Dipper ran up and hugged me, "I thought... you died..." he whispered.

"Apparently a lot of people did, but I'm ok. I'm here now," I pulled Dipper away at an arms distance and saw the tears running down his cheeks, "Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah," Dipper wiped away his tears and smiled, "I'm just so happy you're back."

I watched as Stan and Ford walked in the room and gasped in surprise.

"Hey guys..." I said, trying to keep from crying.

"W-we... you were... Where were you?" Ford asked.

"The Nightmare Realm, with Tad."

"Is he back too?"

"No... he... stayed behind," I said, remembering the moment when I was launched back to Earth.

"You say that like it's a sad thing, he is what made you disappear. It was his decisions!" Stan started raising his voice.

"Well, I am sorry that he saved my life and probably my sanity and now he is lost there and alone while I am enjoying my time with my friends and family!" I felt a rage grow and something inside of me surged.

"Uh... Willa... you alright?" Mabel whispered.

I nodded and took a deep breath, "Yeah, peachy." I faked a smile and went into the Mystery Shack and talked with the Pines' for a bit before we headed out again.

(Will's POV)

I hugged Mabel last and we all left the Shack and headed to find Ashley. Willa seemed unusually quiet and after her outburst earlier, she seemed upset and shaky.


"Yeah, Will?" She sighed.

"Uh, a-a-re you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine, Will. Don't worry."

"A little late for that," Kill said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, Vi had to take a step back so she didn't get hit in the face by his hand.

Willa took a deep breath and kept walking ahead of us, not letting us see her face, "I'm fine. Don't. Worry. About it."

"If you were fine, you would be talking in complete sentences," Bill stated, trying to catch up to her.

"Bill... just stop. Ok? I don't need this interrogation; I had a rough few months and I don't need to be reminded of that place we used to call home."

Vi opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it as Willa rounded on us.

"And no one says another word... got it?"

We all nodded silently, this... wasn't what I remembered... Whatever happened in the Nightmare Realm really messed with Willa, and we couldn't help her...

(Bill's POV)

We walked on in silence, Willa was becoming hostile and it wasn't pretty. What Stan said really messed with her head and now her anger was a weapon being wielded on us. As the Northwest's house came into a view, I pulled out Ashley's gift from my pocket and I sighed, this was going to be rough.

I walked to the door and knocked, the rest of my family was behind me, standing on the driveway. Ashley opened the door, some flour on her apron and whipped cream on her lip.

"Bill? What are you doing here? We're done," Ashley said, rolling her eyes and leaning on the doorway.

"Look, Ashley, I was in the wrong and I am so sorry for all the pressure I put on you. These past few months have been rough on all of us and I didn't deal with the problem that well—"

"You think?" She interrupted.

I sighed, "I am sorry, and could we please make up? I never meant to hurt you and... Willa is back... You don't need to feel that pressure anymore."

Ashley's eyes widened, "Wait... what? She's back. Willa? Your sister?"

"Yes, that is the only sister I have."

Ashley tried to hide a smile and stepped out into the cold to see Willa on the driveway.

"Oh, my... Willa!"

Willa jumped in surprise and whipped around, only to be engulfed in a hug.

"H-hey! How are you?" Willa said, her anger slowly dissipating.

"Me? How are you? How did you get home? Where were you? What happened? I love your new look; you look absolutely gorgeous!" Ashley exclaimed, looking at Willa up and down.

"I... uh... long story, but I am back. And thank you, this kind of happened on its own," Willa smiled, looking down at her sweater.

Ashley hugged Willa again, before saying 'Merry Christmas' to everyone, slowly she turned around and walked back to me.


"That's me."

"Shut up, before I reject you again," Ashley smiled, and tucked her hair behind her ear, "I... accept your apology, but I don't want any more pressure about being the woman of the house before we are married, got it?"

"Yeah... wait... when are we getting married? You're 18!"

"So...? I can wait a couple years," Ashley raised an eyebrow.

"Well... I don't have a ring, but I got you something," I said, pulling the box out from behind my back.

Ashley smiled, opened it, and gasped, "It's gorgeous... I love it, Bill. Thank you so much!" Her eyes shown as she held up the sparkly necklace. She handed it to me, and I put it around her neck. Ash looked down and smiled at it before engulfing me in a hug. She started to blush a little, "Is it alright... if I move back in with you guys? My family is killing me."

I smiled and nodded, "It would be great to have you back."

Miracle Twins (Sequel to The Other Twin)Where stories live. Discover now