Chapter 10: Christmas Eve

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(Bill's POV)

I know tomorrow is Christmas and all... but I can't be happy. The Pines are doing their own thing. Ashley isn't with me to celebrate and Willa is still missing now with her ex hanging around our house. It's just going to be me and my brothers and Violetta tomorrow. I need to talk to Ashley. I will get her a nice present. Girls like jewelry... right? Augh, I am so bad at this stuff.

(Will's POV)

We silently watched a Christmas movie as we munched on popcorn. Violetta was in my arms and the ring was in my pocket, waiting for me to ask the question... but I feel nervous. Kill stood and stretched.

"Well, I am going out," he stated.

"Wait, it's Christmas Eve, Kill, we need to open a present!" I protested.

"Listen Will, I am going for a walk, I'll be back before... midnight. Promise. Have fun love birds... and Bill."

Kill grabbed his keys and walked out the door, leaving the three of us with our movie. Bill yawned and started to fall asleep and Vi was also closing her eyes. I grabbed a blanket and put it around her, maybe the ring can wait until tomorrow...

"Will...?" Violetta whispered.


"Are you worried about Kill? Because I am."

"Of course. He has been going out late at night and not returning until really late or early in the morning and he hasn't given me a clear answer for where he is going. Willa is still gone, and everything is kind of going down the drain."

Vi pushed some hair out of my eye, "Hey, hang in there, we'll get through this together, yeah?"


(Kill's POV)

Alright... Everyone should already be at the warehouse, so I just have to slip in and... oh shoot. The place was already full of police cars and nobody else was there. Tamma must have told them to stay for the next night.

"Hey! YOU! Get back here!" an officer took after me.

I ran, I could use my power, but Willa said not to use it unless it was dire. And this situation doesn't count because I am much faster than...

"UGH!" I grunt as I get tackled.

Well, that was fun.

"You are under arrest for illegal gambling and for evading the law."

"Deputy Durland, come on, just this once? Merry Christmas?" I tried to plead as he handcuffed me.

"No. You are not tricking me... no matter how festive your hair is."

I forgot my hair was red... hmm...

"I can make your hair festive... so you impress your... partner?"

"No. You have done bad things, so you are under arrest. And quit talking!"

"Buzz kill."

(Bill's POV)

Violetta and Will are quietly talking on the couch as I slowly feel myself fall asleep. It's been a while since I visited the dream scape. Ash always told me it kind of creeped her out how I could just invade random people's dreams, but hey, I am a dream demon, it comes in the package. I sigh and rub my eye... Why do... I feel... heavy magic... I look at Will who went quiet and we stare at the door as the door handle turns. It's probably just Jakob... but something feels off. Why do human keys take so long to open doors? The door slams open and a figure walks through the door and shuts it behind them.

"Hey guys! It's uh, been a while...?" A female voice calls out.

Will and I stand in a defensive pose, ready to annihilate this intruder.

"Who are you!? How do you know us?" I demand.

"You never change, Brother," the stranger chuckles.


"Hey... Merry Christmas?"

Willa grunts as we both engulf her in a hug.

"Where is Kill?"

(Kill's POV)

Well, this is great. This cell is so tiny and filled with drunk people who keep singing the same carol over and over again. I called Will, but he seemed shaken up. Sorry that I can't be, you know, PERFECT!

"Mr. Cipher? Your bail is here," a random officer states as he pulls me out of the cell.

Well, it's about time. We walk to the lobby and I see Bill, Will, Violetta, and a girl who has my brothers clinging to her arms. She has galaxy colored, wavy hair and a galaxy colored outfit... and... a black bow tie and top hat. No... it can't be...


"Kill... care to explain why you are in jail after I specifically told you not to do anything too rash when I left!?!"

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