Chapter 5: Holiday Break

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(Dipper's POV)

I continued to stare at the ceiling. Why can I not fall asleep? Like ever. Blinking away the sleep, I grab a book and turn on my desk lamp. Mabel grumbles but rolls over and hugs Waddles, who of course, doesn't care. This book is interesting, Intergalactic Voids, Black Holes, and Disappearances.

"Bro bro? Ugh.... not that book again..." Mabel rolls over to face me and glares.

"What? This may hold the clue to finding Willa."

"I thought you got over your crush on her?"

"I did. But she is still my friend and I want all my friends to be safe and... present and not lost."

Mabel rolled her eyes, "Bro, did you sleep at all?"

"A little."

"Why is my twin sense sensing a lie?"

"Mabel, I'm fine."

"No! You are not! You are sleep deprived, malnourished, asking me to make so much Mabel juice that we are running out of glitter AND plastic dinosaurs. You continue to read those nerd books that we have no time for the Mystery Twins... What happened to us a year and a half ago when we first came? Now we're old and.... old."

I heard a sniff and I looked up from my lap, guilt twisting my stomach into a sickening knot.


"You know what, save it, Mason. I'll see you later."

My eyes widened, she never called me by my real name. She sighed as she got dressed in her blue sweater with a storm cloud on it and put on her winter wear.

"Mabel, where are you going? It's 7 a.m. and freezing outside."

"Well, it's not much warmer in here with your attitude so I'm done. I'm taking a break from caring for you. I have tried to help you Mason. I am the one who reminds you to eat, sleep, even do homework! What happened to you.... I don't like this new you."

Mabel sniffed and stuffed Waddles into his sweater and headed out the door. My brain processed her words. She was right.... my hygiene has completely changed.... Oh no...

(Mabel's POV)

I headed out the front door after telling Grunkle Stan I was going to see a friend. Waddles walked next to me, matching my slow and sad pace. He oinked and I brought a small smile to reassure him that I was okay. But was I? I got mad at Dipper... That never happens, I have been so calm and nice for six months. Ugh, high school is too much stress. I sighed and Waddles oinked as we walked up the long stairs to an apartment. My hand felt numb as I knocked on the door. Will opened the door and gasped.


"Hey Will... can I come in?"

"U-uh yeah! Where is Dipper?"

"Not here."

I pushed in with Waddles and I saw Will's brothers and Ashley at the table eating.

"You're in early," Bill said, mouth full of pancake, Ashley smacked his arm.

My stomach grumbled, then I remembered I hadn't eaten. Will smiled and handed me a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks, Will. You're awesome. Anyways, Dipper and I got in a fight and I needed to get out of the Shack."

Will blushed and Bill looked surprised.

"You fought with Pine Tree? Why?"

"Well... I don't know if he has told you, but he is obsessed with finding Willa. He won't stop looking and he has put his own hygiene and health in the back seat. It's concerning and I finally told him. We are both pretty upset," I sighed and sat down.

The four seemed surprised and matched my rather gloomy mood. Waddles oinked and I handed him a pancake.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to crash anything... I just... needed a safe place to chill while I figure stuff out."

Will and Ashley nodded. Kill bit his cheek.

"Well... We may have figured something out, if Pain Tree wants to know. Willa is alive."

"Really? Also Pain Tree?"

"Eh, Fight Falls is a different place. You were Shooting Star... with a gun. Anyways, her magic is still working here so..." Kill trailed off and continued to eat.

"So, your guys' magic doesn't work if you die?"

Will nodded. I hummed and tilted my head. Maybe this would help Dip, but maybe it wouldn't... hmm....

"Also, Will is going to propose to Violetta," Bill said with a smirk.

My eyes widened. "REALLY!?!?!?"

Will blushed and nodded.

"OHMYGOSH!!!!!!!!! Will that's great!" I squealed, then I realized something, "Can I help plan your wedding!?!?!?"

"Shooting Star, chill, she still has to say yes," Kill chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Well, yeah. But who could say no to Will?" I laughed, maybe today will be alright.

I hugged Will and he whispered in my ear, "Yeah, you can... I need help with the ring..."

Today will be great!

Miracle Twins (Sequel to The Other Twin)Where stories live. Discover now