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capítulo cinco [05]


"what happened?" he turned around to see noelle looking at him with worry in her eyes. "oh, um, nothing," he muttered. "i'm referring to your jaw. why does it look swollen?" she touched it gently, and he winced. "does it hurt a lot?" he nodded. "did you have a fight with someone?"

dean was astonished to find her being so concerned about him. "um, nothing, really," he said, leaning back. he realized it was a stool, and he fell over unto the ground. there was a brief laughter before mrs. evans silenced everyone. noelle helped him up. she giggled at him, and he shot her a goofy smile.

all through class, dean wondered whether she'd talk to him again. she was really nice... and pretty, and he wanted her to want to talk to him again. she made him smile. 

it was nearing the end of class when she stopped him. "is this the only class we have together?" she asked as she packed her things. he shrugged. "give me your scheduel."

she handed him the piece of paper and he scanned it, reading every detail. "well, we have geography and home ec," he said, giving it back to her. she smiled from ear to ear showing off her perfectly white teeth. dean thought she had vampire fangs because of her long and point canines. "that's great! i'll see you in last period." dean blushed and nodded, before turned his back on her.


"dean," he looked and saw none other than noelle. he smiled softly and uttered a hello. "ready for geo?" she asked with a smile. he nodded and closed his locker. as they walked along the hallway, they passed mrs. richards. "dean! hey," she said, giving him a hug. she spotted the girl beside him and whispered, "is this noelle?"

he smiled and replied, "yeah."

"hi, i'm catherine richards, dean's guidance counsellor and friend. it's a pleasure to meet you," she introduced. dean felt a little uncomfortable since she now knew he had a guidance counsellor. "nice to meet you, ma'am. dean never told me he had a guidance counsellor." he felt a knot in his stomach. 'what if she doesn't want to speak to me ever again?' he thought to himself.

mrs. richards went her way and the two teenagers continued to walk. 

"why do you need a counsellor?"

dean shrugged.

"is it because of the kids here?"

he shrugged again.

"is it because of whatever caused that to happen to your jaw?"

he shrugged. 

noelle got frustrated with his dumb gestures.

"tell me what's wrong?"

"i'm just an unhappy person," he answered. 


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