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capítulo diez [10]


it was raining, and dean was stuck inside his room. he sat by his window, tapping on the window pain as his watched the drops of water race each other. it was saturday now; he hadn't been to school for two days, ever since that wednesday night...

"dean can you braid my hair?" he turned to look at his little sister. she was wearing one of his old shirts. she always liked wearing his shirts because she said they made her feel safe. she was always safe with her big brother. dean half smalled and took her on his lap.

"what kind of braid to you want?" he asked softly. "hmm, how about a fishtail braid?" "hm, i'll try."

his bones ached as he moved his arms; they were badly bruised. he'd faced a beating of a lifetime that night, but he didn't cry, nor whine or complain. he simply stayed in his room, away from everyone. he didn't eat anything, although there were trays with food outside his door. 

the only person he let inside his room was his sister, because he knew she was the only one that would cause him no harm.

"there was a girl here, earlier," cathy said, playing with her fingers. "oh.'

"she was asking for you, but papa slammed the door in her face and yelled for her to go away."

'girl? could it be noelle?' he thought. he hadn't spoken to her since he left sitting in the tree house that day, nor did she contact him in anyway. he thought she didn't care for him anymore, but he still cared; he just didn't want to be a bother to anyone. 

not even mrs. richards tried contacting him, and he thought she was hi well wisher- his friend.

he guessed wrong.

he suddenly felt his stomache ache, and the thought came into his mind:

no one ever cared.

he'd thought about suicide before, but not as much as now. he had no reason to live. maybe after they were gone, they would come and take away his sister; she'd have a better life. 

"go play in your room. i'm going out for awhile," he said to his sister. she nodded and hopped off his lap, her hair braided neately. "thank you!" she said, hugging him tight. he smiled a sad smile and kissed her head. once she was gone, he got a box from under his bed. it was his box of magic tricks,

and he took out the object that would make him to a magic trick he longed to learn-

the object that would make him disappear.

f  o  r  e  v  e  r.


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