Move out

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Stiles drops you in front of your house like always after school, you said good bye and enter into your house.

Diner time is coming, you walk down to the living room smelling good food " hmm " you said as you sit at the table.

Later you go to the kitchen where your parents are cleaning the dishes you hear an interesting conversation between the two of them.

- I'm so glad you finally get your promotion honey, your dad said.
- yeah me too, you really needed this... but you know what it means right ?your mom asked to your your dad.
- yes honey, but we can work this out.
- at the beginning but after... I really think it's better that we move out, you are a writer you can write wherever you want right ?
- anything for you darling your dad said before kissing your mom.

"Eww" you said. You run into your bedroom. You can't believe it, your family is about to move out. What about me ? You ask to yourself.  And your friends ? And Stiles ? You really like him but you were too shy to confess your feeling for him and the fact he has a huge crush on Lydia doesn't help at all. You didn't sleep well that night.

The next day you wait for Stiles to pick you up in front of your house. From the driver sit, Stiles sees immediately that you are sad. You climb in his jeep and he drives.

-what's up y/n ? Everything is ok? Stiles asks
- honestly no ! I heard my parents said that we move out !! Stiles I'm leaving Beacon Hill.
- you can leave ! What about our DVD nights !! Your the only one who can stay 2 hours without checking your damn phone !

Soon all your friends knew that you were about to leave so Lydia decide to plan you a party before you leave.

It's Friday and your parents still didn't tell you about the move out, it's kind of weird, when are you going to leave? You start to be mad against them for not talking to you.

You dress up for the party in Lydia's house. When stokes puck you up, he didn't talk.

- what? You ask
- no..nothing you are pretty y/n, damn I'm gonna miss you so much, Stiles said.
- you're gonna make me cry please stop you said, holding your tears.

Few minutes later you arrive at the party, all your friends were here, Scott hugs you tight you almost pass out. But then you realise there were more people them you thought. Lydia wrap her arm around your shoulder " yep I invited all school but you deserve it girl " you hug her. Alison runs into your arm crying.

"Awwwe Ali come on we will still talking don't worry. " you said rubbing her back.

"You better come back for holidays!" She said smiling at you.

During the party you Jackson came to you.

- she acts like she is fine but as soon as you will leave she gonna cry, he said as he watch Lydia dancing with Alison.
- I know, take care of her would you?
- sure.

He pat your shoulder and left. You walk out of her house and sit on the floor.

- hey you are here ! A voice from behind you said. You turn your head it was Stiles.
- hey big head...
- why are you here by yourself? You don't like the party?
- I love it! I love y'all guys it's just..  it's too hard.

You start to cry. He takes you in his arms. When you start to feel better you lift your head. Your face was so close to his, you could smell his minty breath.

- Stiles I...well, since I'm leaving I think I can tell you that- you are interrupted by Alison.
- guys, day cheese !!Alison said holding his phone in his hand ready to take a picture.

Stiles wraps a round your shoulder and you smile to the camera.

- thank you ! Alison said before disappearing somewhere else.

You and Stiles chuckles.

- you were about tell me something, he said.
- I'm yeah I.... i wanted to say how much I love you and you are best friend.
- ho...ahem I love you too, let's join the other ok?

You stand up and go back to the house but you freeze suddenly.

- wait Stiles!

You jump his arms and kiss him in the lips. He wraps his armed around your waist and deepens the kiss. Y'all pull away because a bright light.

-Alison ! You said in the same time as Stiles.
-perfect ! she said. You laugh.

When you came back from the party. You heard your parents talking in their bedroom. Since they are not sleeping you decide to tell them what you feel. You knock and they let you enter. You sit on their bed.

- hey baby what's going on ? Your dad said sitting next to you.
- when are we going to move out?
- what are talking about? Your asks. She looks your father.
- i heard you in the kitchen 3 days ago... Mom I'm proud of you but do we have to leave really?
- honey we are going anywhere your mom said.
- but your promotion ?
- I talked to my boss I can stay !

You hug your mom and your dad.

You take your phone and send a text to Stiles.

You : i'm not moving out!!!😙
Stiles: awesome !! Whatchu doing tomorrow?😗


We are 300 !! Yay ! Thanks for reading !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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