Chapter 7

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I only make it to the top floor of the tower before Zarcar because I'm not wearing heavy formal clothes like him, nor am I adorned with heavy weapons. My offending transparent silk dress over my ribbon dressed thighs, calves and feet – was all light attire – hence it helped me keep the lead.

I swiftly run to the very window sill that I met Zarcar at for the first time.

I open the shutters and sit with my back to the stones and lift up one leg, letting the other drape. I turn my head and watch the sky, pretending that we are meeting again for the first time.

The moment I hear his feet reach the stones of the hallway, I hold up a hand and one finger. I am not facing him, but I make sure to speak as proudly as possible "If you wish to interact with me, Zarcar... I suggest you stop comparing me to Andoll, your witch slave. Nor am I a guest. I am a moon priestess and can't be contained by any one. I am free," I hear him approach all the while, unfazed by my words.

As Zarcar halts next to me, I glance over to see him looking down the hall, avoiding my gaze as his cheek twitches, while he considers his words.

I am glad I have irked him back.

I wait for him to look at me, but when he does, I don't expect a complete look of disregard for my truthful words.

"I am a Master of Witches," Zarcar speaks, coldly, "Tell me... what was your upbringing like, Chyronex?"

"I left my parents to live in the forest when I was 7. I learnt all I would need on my own before coming to spend some time in a city, where my help would be appreciated. I taught myself to read," I explain, proudly, "Why do you care?"

"...this is why you need a teacher," Zarcar explains casually, "You weren't taught manners nor etiquette. With my culture overtaking Swendula, you won't last with that attitude or-"

"It's not an attitude," I hiss, rudely cutting him off, "It's my soul you speak of!"

"Chyronex," Zarcar is strained as he tries his best to keep a calm tone, "This entire time, I have been allowing you to grieve. I am quickly losing patience with your lack of respect. As far as I'm concerned, your life is in my hands. You will help me dress for the occasion tonight I am attending and if you're willing, I will bring you with me. If you refuse, I will throw you into the streets... and if anyone reports you using magic... I'll throw you in one of the dungeons," Zarcar is plainly to the point.

"You offend me," I bring my leg up and squat on the windowsill to gaze at his black and purple trimmed clothes under the black robe. I narrow my eyes while he faces me with a cocked brow.

"You look like a monkey poised like that," Zarcar grabs my elbow and yanks me down off the sill, out of my squat. He forces me to follow him as I'm dragged along, but all the while, I simply laugh up at him.

"You are no king!" I taunt him, "You are nothing but a usurper in a land you don't belong to!" once inside, he slams the door shut to my bed chamber and shoves me forward, releasing me.

Zarcar seems rather satisfied that he has me alone with him.

"I don't listen to uneducated dull witted little girls. Besides, Chyronex, you are trapped with me in this tower," Zarcar drawls the obvious, mocking me back, "Let us do something useful instead of bickering about your complaints. Will you obey and help me find the right attire, or shall you defy my orders?"

"I won't attack you, if that is what you really mean," I choose my words carefully as I straighten my dress and hold his gaze, "...I am far too curious to find out all your secrets, Zarcar, which you avoid through manipulative words. Perhaps you can tell me more than what you think I should hear. I will only give you trouble if you deny me the information I wish to know about you."

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