Chapter 21

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My entire mind is focused upon Zarcar and Lixar colliding tonight, soon, once we started to dine. Maids and servants with the food were helping set up the experience on my rooftop. I had chosen the place, hoping the fresh air would help keep them calm.

But I would also have access to the moonlight.

I'm minding my own business in the crux of the roof top tower, which is a little stone bell room with no bell. I sit in the corner of the dusty thing and wait in the dark, wearing a neck high red dress, with no sleeves but at least my tits were protected from Lixar and his greedy hands. I had tied my hair back in little braids, my make up was angrily wiped over my eyes, creating dark sparkling arches.

I was glaring at the dinner, set and ready.

No Mystifyers in sight.

I was planning to watch from my position and observe their interaction without me, for as long as I could stay hidden.

Speaking of Mystifyers...

I duck my head down when I see Zarcar reach for the top, hauling himself up wearing his black hood, over the top of his forehead.

So, no formal wear for me tonight then.

I duck down and wait, out of sight behind my stone barrier. The outdoor garden with forbidden herbs also provided a bit of coverage.

I clasp my hands and fiddle with my thumbs as I wait a bit. I don't hear a chair scrape, so I do a quick peep over the crumbling stone wall and all I can see is black.

A black robe; swaying as Zarcar quickly manoeuvrers his way into the small entrance of my hide out and finds me hiding on the floor. He traps me with his large form, towering over me as I see his eyes hooded by his black hood. I can't see his expression, only his cruel lips, downturned and unhappy.

I scramble to my feet and dust off my red dress, pulling at the black ties around the waist, I try to appear confident.

"I'm certainly glad you showed on time," I start with a double meaning. I was happy Zarcar was back safely but I was also relieved he showed to the dinner he was commanded to attend.

"Once?" Zarcar murmurs the random word, I only hear him by the wind carrying his voice to my ear.


"How many times?" Zarcar asks.

"I have no idea what you are referring too –"

"How many times... did you allow Lixar between your..." Zarcar can't even make himself say it.

I take a quick step forward, grabbing the top of his hood – I slam it down over the back of his head so I can see his face. I stand back, I hold his consumed and intense gaze – only to slap him as hard as I can across the cheek.

"I never even touched him," I snarl it, "I was sick for 3 months while he ran off and abandoned me. I had minimal human contact for 12 weeks you piece of horse shit! I don't know who is worse, you with your strict manner or Lixar with his loose hands! He set me up to look that way when you came up the stairs!" I yell the entire explanation into Zarcar's stunned face.

" you didn't sleep together?" is all he can manage.

"Relax," it's not me who speaks. Zarcar spins to face Lixar, who has silently approached as if he has stepped out of thin air between dimensions. I stand closer to Zarcar's shoulder to glare at Lixar, who watches his cousin with a very loose shrug, "Nothing happened. What she says is true. I wanted to have some fun. You're the one who put me in chains and I'm just handing you back some dark energy. A promise of mischief, a splash of dishonour... did your heart ache when you saw her naked, held against me?" Lixar backs off, rightly so as Zarcar heads towards him then bypasses him for the set dining table.

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