Chapter 9

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When we arrive, even the decked out ball for the afternoon dance, filled with the softest flowers, can't distract me from Zarcar's harsh words before we left. While he had been somewhat soft and flirty since overtaking my tower and murdering my friends – I had not expected this dark turn of discipline. I had the strange feeling he was hardening up on me.

His tough wording to me was out of the blue and shocking.

I could only expect that he intended to shock me on purpose, to scare me into being complacent.

I wished I could say it didn't work but in a city that was once home, now invaded and now changed forever – I couldn't help but cower a little.

So, even as he made sure I was on his arm for the dance, as he made light chat with other people of his culture – I stayed quiet.

In fact, I only said a few words here and there.

Before we entered this ball, Zarcar had sneakily slipped out the bands holding my braids together. He had taken off my gloves and pocketed them.

I was now simply what he wanted me to be; an escort.

However, my mind was worried by his change in temperament and what he meant by observing me... bothered me that his intentions for me was not made clear.

If he would just say it... whether it be if he was aiming to, hmm... eradicate my magic... control what I learned... turn me into a pet witch like Andoll... use my power in war... I needed to know what the big secret was.

I'm so deep in thought I have lost track of the light chatter he has been sharing with fellow members of his army. I'm not thinking about the present moment, as he has taken me to the edge of a ball... by a window. I only realise when my nose picks up the scent of night flowers and my nose crinkles in delight.

I raise my head toward the smells and I bite my bottom lip as my hand stays on his forearm.

I don't realise he's looking at me, until I turn slightly and feel the force of his gaze.

I quickly snap my eyes back to the ball and flatten my smiling lips into a line of composure.

"The fresh night air gave me the first hint of a reaction since I yelled at you," Zarcar murmurs... almost... guilty, "Did I frighten you before we left, Chyronex?"

I turn to him slow and haughtily, shaking out my hair that was meant to be bound.

"No," I'm pert as I respond, my eyes running over his handsome face, taking in his cruel unmoving lips and curious black eyes, seemingly drowning in our interaction. Drowning was the wrong word. More like hungry. Ravenous. Seeking something from me.

"So, you are just shy of crowds then?" Zarcar pries for answers.

"No," I'm pert again.

"An attempt to ignore me," Zarcar finally settles with this, "To ignore your fate."

"Maybe," I whisper before I can hold it in, the truth just fell from my lips.

I attempt to turn away yet again. But, he doesn't want me to move. He grabs my elbows unexpectedly and it shocks me enough as he spins me to face him.

"You're in my possession now," Zarcar says firmly, "You needn't worry of your fate. All you need to do is live in obedience to what I say. In my culture, men keep the women safe –"

"You burned my friends and they were all women-"

"They're not coming back, Chyronex, you must accept it," Zarcar tightens his hold, "But you are here... you breathe as I do. Find peace in that."

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