Chapter 31

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Lixar's arrogance was unfathomable since he fucked my throat last night and had sex with me this morn, while I was spelled into sleep; the bastard had since combed his hair back, washed thoroughly, put on a clean black and purple uniform and couldn't keep that damn smirk off his face all day.

"Don't stop, honey!" Lix taps his boot on the path in front of me as I run towards him holding a log behind my shoulders, while I'm snarling so damn hard I'm salivating my fury down my damn chin. Every time he calls me honey today, I want to punch his perfect teeth out of his skull! "It's only over until you finally throw it all up and then I'll call it in..." he watches me get closer, sweating entirely through one of my brown shift dresses.

I can't keep running up and down this damn street.

Five hours in; I'm so done.

I throw the log down at Lix and he steps to the side.

"I'm not... carrying that... damn log... until I fall... on my face!" I yell at Lixar; we had grown quite the audience in town.

Many men and women were watching me haul that stupid log around all day while Lix pretended to be my slave owner. Truly, he was an ass.

All the names he had called me today were uncountable.

The main ones that did my head in were; Little runt. Smelly swine. Witch shit. All kinds of derogatory terms to see if I could prove him wrong every time he tasked me with carrying and running with obscenely heavy objects.

My arms were jelly but I had managed to carry some things through the help of cheating. Aka; spelling of my own.

Zarcar wasn't around to say otherwise and Lixar had taken full control of my training session.

I continue to stand firmly upright in front of Lixar with my determined stare and gritted teeth, refusing to show weakness even though I'm still attempting to get my breath back,"...I'm telling you... I'm done... I'm a lady and I –"

Oh, no.

My stomach rolls and I promptly lean over, throwing up on the spot, right at his feet.

Even the crowd groan in disgust.

"Yeepy yay! Now we're done, pretty lady," Lixar leans down and strokes a hand through my sweat soaked hair. I weakly try to punch between his legs but I end up fondling his damn cock through his perfect uniform because my hand is so numb from holding the wood, "Not in public, sweety... that's a crime punishable by the dungeon..."

Lix waits for me to spit out the rest of my morning tea before he reaches down and picks me up around the waist, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Show's over, I'm taking the witch home to her tower!" Lixar calls out to the crowd, grabbing my ass and squeezing it.

In my state of feeling kind of dizzy, I see one edge of my finger nail seemingly leaking ash and fire.

Perhaps I was hallucinating.

Well. It's odd. It's new.

But, what the hell? I guess my inner Draconess abilities were starting to fire up!

Without much guilt, I press that burning finger to his ass and I watch as fire smoothly puffs out in a perfect circle, licking over his pants material.

For a few seconds, Lixar has no idea.

I watch the fire with satisfaction, smiling widely, especially when my trainer in war, halts his strides very suddenly around the next corner. He shifts his ass, waiting to find out what that tingle was in his backside. But then the fire burns through his undergarments too.

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