Chapter 13 ~

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(3 days later]

I opened my eyes and looked at my clock. It read 3:45 A.M.

I felt weak so I decided to go get a glass of water.

I got out of bed and made my way towards the stairs, stopping in front of Anna's room. I felt on the chipped wood that was beside the doorknob.

Feeling the edges I remembered how I broke the door opened.

I gotta get that fixed before mom sees it.

It's been three days. The four of us has searched the entire city. I started to lose hope. She could be out of the country for all I know.

I opened the door and looked inside her room. The bed was neatly done. The only mess she had in there were the drawers I never put back.

I went in and began to fix up the drawers.  I felt my heart break a little. Just being in here made me angry.

I put the last drawer back into the dresser and left, closing the door behind me.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a glass of water.

I stared at the photos we had clipped to the outside of the freezer. Anna looked so happy and carefree.

Why would she just pack up her stuff and leave?

I finished my water and dropped the cup in the sink.

I went back to bed.


The sound of my phone ringing woke me.

I answered, still half asleep.


Good morning. Did I ever tell you how cute you sound when you wake up?

I chuckled.

No, you never had the chance to.

Um, can we hang today? You know, you need a break from all this stress.

I hesitated for a bit.

Um I dont think thats such a good idea. I gotta keep searching. She's... She's out there.

Ok how about we search together then?

I smiled into the phone.

Fine. I'll be ready in ten.

She said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom.

After about five minutes I came back out and checked the clock: 8:35 A.M.

What the fuck is she doing up this early on a Saturday?


The horn honked about three times. I grabbed onto the doorknob before my mom called me back into the kitchen.

"Yea mom?"

I walked in and saw her putting dishes away. She turned around and wipped her hands on a rag that was hanging off the stove

"It's a Saturday. Where are you going so early in the morning?"

I rolled my eyes and shifted my feet.

"A friend invited me to hang today so.."

She nodded her head and walked over to the window curtain. She peeked out and looked back at me.

"That's a really nice car. I've been working 20 years and still can't afford anything like that."

I narrowed my eyes at her and walked over to her.

"What? Where are you going with this?"

She looked at me worried.

"It's not like you to have friends pick you up and not enter the house. I knoe every one of your friends and I just find it weird that you're trying to sneak out of the house with some stranger."

I stared at her with wide eyes.

"What are you even talking about ma? your overreacting for no fucking reason.

I tried to shove past her and she blocked the door.

"Watch your fucking language in my house young man! It's just suspicious that I dont get to meet your new friend. I dont even know if that person is a male or female. I just dont want you getting into trouble."

All I could do was laugh.

"Ma. She's a new student. She wanted to hang with me today so I could show her around. It's nothing bigger than that. Im sorry for cussing but you need to know when you're crossing the line. You raised me right, there is no trouble that i could get into. Can i go now? She's been waiting for a minute now."

She nodded and slowly moved away from the door. Before I was able to open in,  the bell rang. I looked at my mom and she shrugged.  I opened it.

Standing there was Brittney smiling beautifully. She wore her hair tied to the side with a bow. She had on a black high-low dress with a gold belt and gold flats. Her accessories were gold also. She made me question what the day had in store for me.

"Good morning Ms.Alvarez. How are you feeling on this beautiful day?"

She smiled and gave my mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek. My mother smiled and replied:

"Im fine honey thank you."

Brittney nodded and looked over at me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. Her hair smelled like strawberries.

"My name is Brittney by the way, I dont think we've met before."

She let me go and looked over at my mom who was staring at us.

"No. I dont think we have."

For a while everything became awkwardly silent. I cleared my throat and began to slightly push Brittney out of the door.

"Ok mom.. You met Brittney now. Bye i'll call you if anything."

I closed the door and we began walking over to her car. She unlocked it and we got in. She immediately put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway.

"You're taking me out on a date?"

I asked jokingly.

She smiled wide.

"Are you implying that we are dating?"

I laughed and didnt reply. I put the volume up on the radio and screamed like a white girl.

"Oh my god! This is my sooooong!"

Brittney began to cry due to the laughter. I tried to keep a straight face while I sang along to Iggy Azalea: Fancy.

"I'm so fancy. You already know..."

Brittney looked over at me while she stopped at a red light.

"Please stop. You're killing me! "

I finally broke character and began to laugh along with her. Her natural beauty hypnotized me.

"You know what?"

She stopped laughing and looked at me.


I leaned over and kissed her lips. The light had turned green and the cars behind us were blowing their horns. She pulled away and licked her lips. She stepped on the gas and continued driving.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Yea. We're dating now."

Her entire face began to glow and seeing her this happy made my heart warm.


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