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Today, Jimin had decided to get off from work rather early, he had decided to head over to Jungkook's place tonight; to help him clean up his messy dog shelter as well as prepares a few simple dishes for the both of them.

Their relationship has been going on like these for the past months of being together - domestically simple yet sweet. They have already gotten to the point where they do not have to really express themselves to allow the other to fully get the message they'd want to convey.

It's already been two days since both of them had seen each other as they were too occupied with their own jobs with Jungkook busy meeting clients and solving cases that requires high level of critical thinking meanwhile Jimin was rushing in and out of his office for events. Hence, Jimin was merely thinking of coming over to give his boyfriend a surprise.

Jimin enters the house with Jungkook's passcode, eventhough it was clearly known that the code is Jimins birth date, Jimin can still vividly remembers the day when Jungkook hands over the spare keys as well as acknowledging Jimin's his access passcode. These are all simple gestures yet it holds such profound and sincere feelings whereby Jimin finds them touched every single part of him emotionally, allowing to have realize the status he holds in Jungkook's heart.

After changing to a more comfortable clothes, he starts cleaning up the kitchen faucet that were piled up with dirty utensils as well as the counter that were filled with empty cartons of banana milks. He wipes the stains off the tiles and proceed to Jungkook's bedroom.

As much as Jimin hated doing house chores, but the smile on his face never once fades. He knows all these goes down to one reason: Jeon Jungkook.

The one who gives Jimin the strength to overcome every fears, his anger, to know his failings and know his own worthiness that was definitely more than enough for Jungkook to love him as a whole, no matter what.

Jimin folds the blanket into half as he spreads out the duvet neatly on the bed before moving on to arrange those pillows. Just as he was about to shift the pillows back to their places, something fell off from the edge of the bed which immediately caught Jimin's attention. He gradually squats down to pick the packaging up, only to see it was a box of condoms.

The male contemplates for a good two minutes before letting out a quiet snort, nothingness but a thread of his own assumptions flooding his mind. He slams the condoms on the side table as he sat on the bed, ruffling his hair in exasperation as there is barely anything he feels like doing right now.

All the enthusiasm and devotion of preparing a decent meal for Jungkook had all washed down his system and disappeared within spilt seconds. What he wants right now, is for Jungkook to come back and give him a good explanation.

Jungkook undo the first two buttons of his shirt as he enters his house, being welcomed by a sparkling clean and dustless living hall. Thoughts of Jimin was over creeping up his mind as he swiftly rushes into the bedroom where he knew Jimin would be.

He has been missing the male for two days right now. He was dying to see him, to hold him in his arms and whispers sweet nothings in his ears over and over again.

However, what he did not expect was Jimin was sitting by the edge of the bed with both of his arms crossed in front of his chest, eyebrows furrowed and forehead ceased.

"baby?" Jungkook approaches Jimin as he squats down in front of the latter male, grabbing both of Jimin's hands, "what's wrong?"

Without beating around the bushes, Jimin charges, "why are there condoms in your room?"

Jungkook gave a clueless look, tilting his head to a side and soon a remembrance of him purchasing that box of rubber sparks in his brain. Yet, just as he was about to clarify himself, Jimin interrupts.

"are you seeing someone else?"

"what?!" Jungkook raises his voice abruptly, "you're not being serious, are you?"

"then why'd you need condoms? We never used them, Jungkook. And we had agreed on that."

"Taehyung suggested we should use them for hygienic purposes! That's why I bought it, simple as that."

"hygienic purposes? Since when we're going through that?"

"believe it or not, Jimin. That's the tea." Jungkook walks over to the wardrobe and had his cufflings as well as his watch removed. It was definitely not his intention to have sounded so mean and stern towards Jimin but the male was being strong headed and always indulge himself in his own assumptions. This was the attitude that Jimin has which he has never changed.

"so are you saying that I'm not trusting you?" Jimin went over to where Jungkook is.

"isn't it? You didn't even give me the chance to explain myself. You could've at least give me a call or something." Jungkook said as he then turns to face Jimin, "before assuming that I'm seeing someone else. Honestly, I don't even have time for that, Jimin."

Jimin scoffs, rolling his eyes before looking back at Jungkook, "the truth is  already right in front of our eyes Jeon, since we've already promised not to use these freaking condoms then why'd you buy it anyways?"

"I've already told you! Taehyung suggested and I don't see what's the point of lingering around the topic when it's not even a big deal? It's just a fucking condom!"

"just a fucking condom?" Jimin's shoulder slumped, "it's not just a fucking condom anymore if you're using it with someone else."

"now you're fucking dragging it to somewhere else. How many times do I have to say, I don't have the fucking time to see someone else and how the fuck would I see someone else when I'm all so attach and love you?!" Jungkook blasts out, tears prickling at the back of his eyelids as rage were eating him up.

Jungkook sees how Jimin didn't response thus he continues, "I've been spending all of my time with you besides these two days when we're both so busy. So like, how the fuck can you even think-" Jungkook stops midway, refraining himself from continuing any further before things that he was not supposed to say to slip out from his lips.

Jimin takes in a deep breath before turning on his heels, "I'll think about it."

"c'mon Jimin, please." Jungkook went after him and grabs the shorter male by his arm.

"rest early, Jungkook. You're tired."

With that, Jimin had his head hung low as he went out of Jungkook's penthouse, leaving Jungkook standing there in exasperation, nearly ripping his hair off from his scalp by clutching so hard onto his roots.



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