Chapter 1

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"Sarah! Wake up or your gonna be late for school!" I hear my mom yell. I groan and stumble out of bed to my mirror. I see a bright green eyed girl with freckles and tangled brown hair staring back at me. I reach over and grab my hair brush and pull it through my hair till its straight.

"Ah that's better... hmm now what to wear..." I head to my closet and come out with a yellow and white striped shirt that shows my shoulders, black tights and my yellow flats."Sarah!" I hear my mom again."I'm coming!" I yell back.

I head down stairs and decide to eat a breakfast bar."Hey sweetie! Oh look how beautiful you look!" My mom compliments. "Thank you mom. Now I have to go or I'm gonna be late on the first day of grade 8" I tell my mom as I head for the door."OK sweetie, tell Paisley I said hello." my mother says to me as I head out the door. "OK mom bye".I start walking up the side walk towards my school.

Once I reach the top of the hill I hear my name being called."Sarah! Wait up!" I turn to see my best friend Paisley running up the hill." Paisley!" I run to her and we embrace each other."I missed you so much! How was your summer?" I ask."Well I went to a cottage up north and to Canada's Wonderland and it was SO much fun!" Paisley tells me in excitement.

We continue walking till I see the school starting to come into view."looks like were here" I say nervously."Yea I wonder who are teacher will be..." Paisley speaks my thoughts."Same" I agree." Well there's only one way to find out" I say. "Well we still got about 10 minutes" Paisley says as we enter school grounds.

"Look there's Taylor" I whisper the name of my best friends crush to her. Her head jerks to where I'm looking and I see her grin like an idiot." Paisley!" I say sternly as I point my finger in her face. She looks at me innocently."What?" She honestly doesn't know. I decide to help her."Wipe that idiotic grin off your face and play it cool, OK?" She nods her head.

We continue walking towards where are class lines up."Hey Paisley, Hey Sarah! I turn to see who says it."Hey Taylor!" Paisley waves back. BBBRRRRIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!! The bell goes off signaling everyone that its time to go inside. "Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous to see who are teacher is" I tell Paisley."Yea I know same!" Well good to know I'm not the only one. We head to our new classroom in silence each of us lost in thought. Me and Paisley find two desks in the middle of the classroom and sit there with our bags still on.

"Good morning class! I am your new grade eight teacher Mr.Mangolia . Now I'm going to take you to your assigned lockers, then show you where you sit, so follow me!" Everyone gets up from there seats and follows the teacher into the hall."OK so I was only joking about the whole assigned lockers so everyone can pick your own locker then when your done tell me your name and locker number" Mr.Mangolia tells the class."Sarah lets have these lockers! Quick come here!" Paisley calls out to me. I head over to where she is and find out that I'm locker number 215 and she's number 214.

"Cool. So is there a reason why you picked these lockers in particular?" I ask her. She looks straight ahead and giggles."no" she giggles again. I look to see what she's giggling at and see that Taylor has the locker right across from her. "So this is why you picked these lockers isn't it?" I raise my brow at my best friend who is now putting her stuff in her new locker. I begin to do the same. "Well I didn't want to go beside him...." she trails off.

"OK but can we please not focus on boys on the very first day back to school" She smiles at me apologetically "Of course!" I sigh in relief."OK class now that we all have our lockers please come here and give me your name and locker number." Mr.Mangolia calls out to the class.

"What if we have locks?" A boy named Charlie asks. "Then just tell me your lock combination and ill write it down on a paper, with your name on it just in case you forget it" Mr.Mangolia informs the boy and the rest of the class.

"Okay so anymore questions?" Mr.Mangolia looks around at the class. "Okay then so lets go in the class and line up then tell me your name and locker numbers. After you've told me I will tell you where you will be seated. Okay so everyone please line up behind...." He points at me. "Sarah is her name" Paisley tells the teacher. "Okay behind Sarah please."

Everyone shuffles into a line behind me. I walk towards the teacher to tell him my locker number. "Um hi. my uh locker number is-" Wait." he interrupts me."What is your name?" he asks. "I just told you that my name was Sarah Mr.M" I know better then to give him attitude so I tell him as politely as possible."Yes but there is two Sarah's, there's Sarah Kia and Sarah Bell. So which one are you?" he looks at me and I tell him who I am. "Bell. Sarah Bell. My locker number is 215 and my lock combo is..." I look at my hand before I answer. "37 11 37".

I watch him write this down on his paper."OK miss Bell thank you and you can take a seat at the second row and the fifth desk". I head over to my assigned desk and start putting my things inside when I hear a quiet hello I look up."Oh hello Rebecca. Are you my new desk buddy?" I ask her and she laughs before answering. "Yup" I smile at her before I return to organizing my desk. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look up.

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