Authors Note/Apologies :(

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Dear all my readers I am so so so so so SOOOOOO SO sorry that I havent updated my phone wont turn on and thats where I use my wifi so my dad lent me his old one and thats what im using the wifi from but sadly to say I have plenty of homework to catch up on before the holidays so I need to finish it so I wont get to update until the holiday break is here and hopefully be then I will get to finish my book :D AND THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! for reading my book and making me smile each time I look at it and see that i have even more reads then the last time that I checked it :D :D 

and it would mean alot to me (Even tho you reading means alot to me) if you voted for my book in the watties :)  ) 

and I got a quick story about something that happened at school with my awesome best friend who is also my crime partner lol  

So I was in french class (BTW Im in grade 8 in a split 7 class) in the computer lab when my french teacher called me and my crime partners name so we went over to see what she wants. She tells us that we didnt hand something in that was due that day and the other grade 8s in the class with us came over and told her that none of got it since we were in the other class doing grade 8 language work with the grade 8 class. Then she says how its not her responsibility to chase us and tell us that we missed work that we should be doing that so I said well how can we do that when we didnt even know that we had work to do. So she said that we were working on it in class but I said we were in the grade 8 room doing our language work there and we missed 3 days so she said that  its written on our board in our homeroom so now the grade 7s start to back us up and start telling her it just says french due and there was 2 things due so we  didnt know. Then she gets mad and tells us to sit down so we do. Then she calls me over so I go back to her and she asks me why I didnt finish it and IM like I just told you why. So she now is being stupid and im getting mad. So shes like well you need to stop slacking and get your work done if you even care, do you? So im being sarcastic and Im like nope and shes like not at all and im like no. So she like well maybe we need to have a talk with ur parents and the principal and im like i was only joking but im not the type of student that slacks and ignores work im a hard worker and i work very hard in  school now if you dont mind im going to go finidh some of my work. and then i just left her sitting there staring at me with her mouth wide open. Ha! that will teach you!! 

<3 Allison <3 

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