Chapter 8

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                       CHAPTER 8 

I look up and take in his appearance. He has straight brown hair and electric blue eyes. But since he was kidnapped 2 days ago his hair is a bit messy, but I don't care he is still handsome to me. "Jake we gotta get out of here" I say looking away from him. "We will, I promise. But I can tell you are tired so we will tomorrow" He tells me. It's true I am tired. Im also hungry. Then my stomach growls loudly. "Are you hungry?" Jake asks me. My face goes red and I nod. He chuckles at me."Ok we will find you some food... well if we do tonight they will tie us up again..." he trails off. "I'll survive the night" I saw with a yawn. We are sitting on the floor, not so comfy.

I pull my legs up to my chest and hug my knees. I shiver and try to fall asleep, but im not successful. Jake scoots over to me. "Are you cold?" He asks me. I nod my head. "Here." he says. He takes off his black hoodie and hands it to me. I put it on and snuggle up to him resting my head on his chest. He puts his arm around my waist pulling me close. He rests his head against the chair I close my eyes. Just before I drift off I hear him whisper to me. "Goodnight Sarah" and he kisses my head. Then I drift off.


I run and nearly trip on a branch. My feet hurt from running and the fact that I don't have shoes on. I hear branches cracking behind me and know im being followed. Im to scared to look back so instead I run even faster. "Sarah!!" a voice calls my name. Is it my chaser or someone needing help? "Sarah help us!!!" The voices of my parents call me, pleading for my help. I turn around and the scene changes. My parents are standing side by side all tied up. I see Joel pressing the barrel of a gun against my moms temple. I see Mike doing the same to my dad. My mom sobs my name begging me for help. Joel grins an evil smile, that I just want to slap off his face. "Choose" He simply states. "Sarah" My mom sobs out again. "You can't possibly expect me to choose one parent over-" Im cut off by the sounds of gun shots. I watch as my parents crumple to the ground.

I scream myself awake and frantically look around the room but I don't spot my parents anywhere. Jake jumps in front of me protectively. I start to cry and he puts me on his lap and holds me tight. "Shhh...It's ok" He says trying to soothe me. Will bursts into the room and spots me in Jakes arms. His eyes narrow. "Why aren't you tied up?" He demands. He walks over and realizes that im crying. "Is she ok?" He asks concerned. "I haven't talked to her...." Jake says quietly. "Oh, well uh I guess i'll leave you to talk to her then I guess" Will says awkwardly and leaves the room. Jake takes my face in his hands and uses his thumb to wipe away my tears. "Are you ok?" He asks me. I stay silent. I don't know, am I ok?

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks me. I nod. He gives me a small smile. "I had a dream and if felt so real. In the dream I was running from something, then I heard my name being called so I turned around. When I did the scene changed and I saw my parents. Joel and Will were holding guns to there heads and told me to choose. I asked if they really expected me to choose but then I was cut off by them shooting my parents. I watched them fall to the ground dead..." I start crying again as the images start flooding my brain.

"Its ok it was only a dream, Sarah. Plus your parents are safe at home and these guys don't even know your parents" Jake tells me. I sob at the mention of home. "J-Jake I-I miss ho-home" I sob and he pulls me into his chest. He starts rubbing my back, calming me down. "I promise i'll make sure you get home" he tells me. I pull back and hiccup. Jake chuckles and wipes away my remaining tears. "Im glad that you were kidnapped too." I tell him. "And why is that" He says trying to sound hurt. "Because I don't know what I would do without you here" I tell him and give him a hug. We stay like this until the door flies open and Will walks in.

"Time for work" He tells us. Jake stands and helps me up. "Uh you never told us your name" Will says looking at me."Its Sarah" I say quietly. "Okay well Joel -I mean the boss-"   "I already know everyones names Will" I interrupt him. He looks shocked and just stands there. "You were saying?" I ask. "Um that Joel want you to wear this" He hold up a red strapless dress with a little black bow in the middle. He tosses it to me."There's these to go with it." He hands me a box. I open it and there's a hair band with a black bow on it and a pair of black flats. "No im good" I tell him. "You don't have a choice" I huff angrily. "fine I will on one condition." I tell him. "What's that?" He asks. "Me and Jake both get 3 meals a day." I answer. As if on cue my stomach growls.

"Of corse you will, now go change" Will says in a duh tone. "Wheres the bathroom?" I ask. "Down the hall on the left" I leave the room holding the box and dress. I enter the bathroom and decide to lock the door and take a shower. I turn the knobs adjusting the water until im satisfied.I pull my hair back and put it in a messy bun. I take off my clothes and step into the shower. I stand under the water careful not to get my hair wet. I decide to just soak in the water since I refuse to use any of their body washes. I open my mouth and start to sing


Ever wonder about what he's doing    how it all turned to lies      sometimes I think its better to never ask why      where there is desire there is gonna be a flame where there is a flame someones bound to get burned but just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die       you've gotta get up and try try try             gotta get up and try try try        you gotta get up and try try try            eh eh eh          funny how the heart can be deceiving      more than just a couple times        why do we fall in love so easy   Even when its not right             laaaaaaaaaaa la la la laaaa             where there is desire there is gonna be a flame where there is a flame someones bound to get burned but just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die      you've gotta get up and try try try  gotta get up and try try try you gotta get up and try try try         Ever worried that it might be ruined     and does it make you wana cry    when your out there doing what your doing    are you just getting by    tell me you are getting by by by      Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame where there is a flame someones bound to get burned but just because it burns doesn't mean you're gonna die   you've gotta get up and try try try gotta get up and try try try you gotta get up and try try try gotta get up and try try try you gotta get up and try try try gotta get up and try try try       Laaaaaa la la la laaaaaaa la la laaaa      you gotta get up and try try try gotta get up and try try try

I shut off the shower as I finish the song. I dry off and pull the dress up over my body. I run my fingers through my hair and slide the hairband onto my head. I slide my feet into the flats and open the bathroom door. When I do I see all the guys standing there with open mouths, Jake included. "You might wana close your mouths before you catch flies" I tell them laughing and walk right past them.


Sorry its really long but this might be my last update for tonight.

So what are everyones thoughts? well I hope your enjoying my book so far! :)

<3 Allison<3

ps its unedited but ill fix any mistakes later 

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