Chapter 15

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                          CHAPTER 15

Jakes P.O.V

Sarah shoots the bullet at me and I take off running in search for help. It pains me to her crying like that but im scared to know what's gonna happen now that ive left her. I refuse to let myself think about, I need to be brave and be strong and I need to get help. I keep running to the police station which thankfully is very close to us. I run up and barge inside. "Woah there buddy what's the rush?" a lady with a southern accent asks me. W-we well M-me I- were." I try to get out but im out of breath. The lady walks away and I try to call to her to wait but nothing comes out. She returns holding a paper cap filled with water that I gulp down thirstily.

"Thank you miss" I say politely. She smiles at me and nods her head. "Ok so Im Jake and my friend is Sarah and we were kidnapped and we escaped and got back here but the kidnappers are at her house and have her parents and we need to get there fast before they kill her or something" I explain in a rush. The woman nods before leaving. I sit down on the cool tile floor trying to calm myseld down. She soon returns with some fellow cops and I quickly stand up. "Ok son so from what I understand you are one of the missing boys?" One man asks and I nod.

"Alright then lead us to the girl" He says and offers me a smile. We rush to the cop cars and I hop in front with the girl I first spoke too and learn her name is Taeya. I give her directions to Sarahs house and we arrive there in about 2 minutes. I hop out of the car and hear the sound of a gun going off. "Sarah!!" I scream and before I know it im running through her front door and see her limp body on the floor and crimson on her shirt on the side of her stomach.

I see her parents kneeling over her crying and in a matter of seconds im over there too. I take her head and place it in my lap and don't bother trying to wipe away my tears. Instead I let them roll down my cheek and splatter down on to her face instead. The paramedics rush over and place her body on a stretcher and roll it towards the ambulance. I fall to my knees and break into tears. All of a sudden I hear a familiar voice scream my name. I look through my tears and see my mom running over to me. "Jake! Hunny I missed you so much and I was so worried about you! Hunny are you ok?!" My mom rush's out but I feel like time has stopped.

I stare at the spot where the ambulance was moments ago. "Jake are you listening to me? James get over here I think something is wrong with Jake!" I hear mom say in a panic and my dad rushes over from where he was talking to the police. My dad wraps his arms around me but I just stand still. "Jake? Son are you alright?" My dad asks concerned. I don't answer but just continue standing. WAIT! THE HOSPITAL! if i get to the hospital I can see if she's ok! It's about a 20 minute walk from here but it'd be faster if I got a ride. I feel myself being picked up but I jerk out of there grasp and look up and see my dad looking at me with sad eyes. "Mom, Dad I love you guys so much. But I really need you to drive me to the hospital to see Sarah" I tell them.

My mom grins and runs over to me squeezing me into a embrace and I return it this time. I love you too sweetie, so much. Now why do you need to go to the hospital? Are you ok?" My mom asks pulling away and my dad comes over hugging me to. "I love you too son" He says to me. "Well mom im fine but Sarahs not... I need to see her please mom" I tell her. "Jake we just got you back, don't you want to go home?" My moms asks confused yet sad. "Later mom" I say. I turn and walk towards the car. My dad gets in the drivers seat and my mom takes the front. My dad looks at me through the review mirror and gives me a knowing smile. 'Thanks dad' I mouth to him and he nods. We make it to the hospital in about 10 minutes and I see who I assume is Sarah's parents and I rush over.

"Mr and Mrs.Bell?" I ask them and they nod. "Hi uh, I was kidnapped and was with Sarah and I just wanted to tell you what an amazing daughter you have, She saved our lives.... Um is she ok?"I ask and a tear slips out. Sarah's mom smiles at me and leans against Sarah's dad. "We haven't heard anything yet. Whats your name?" Mr.Bell asks me. "Jake sir and uh these are my parents" I turn around and point to my parents. "My names James and this is my wife Sharon" My father says shaking hands with Sarah's parents. "Nice to meet you my names Jim and this is my wife Kimberly Kim for short" Jim says. ( I don't remember if I gave them names or not so I just used those) We all took a seat in the waiting room when after about 45 minutes a nurse came over and called for Mr and Mrs Bell. "Um may I come too Mr and Mrs.Bell?" I asked politely. They looked at each other before Kim smiled at me and nodded her head.

I get up and walk behind them as the nurse leads us to a small room and closes the door. I look around but Sarah is no where to be seen. Why are we in here then? Well I guess im gonna fid out. "Mr and Mrs. Bell and um...." She looks at me confused. "Im just a friend" I say and she nods before continuing. "So your Daughters condition.... Well would you like to hear the good news or the bad news?" She asks them. "The good news" They say in unison. The nurse smiles and nods to them. "Your daughter is alive and we will be able to recover her" She  says with a bright smile. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Sarah's Parents hug and huge smiles are on both their faces. "But" The nurse says and they turn serious. 





























"She is in a coma" the nurse finishes and we all gasp. "Im terribly sorry" She says and frowns. "For how long?" I ask. "We don't know" The nurse says sadly. "Can we see her?" Her father asks and the nurse nods.

She is in a coma...................


And there ya go!

Im sorry it took so long for me to update, homework has been terrible.

So what are your thoughts? 

Well as usual,

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<3 Allison <3 

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