Chapter 7

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                                              CHAPTER 7 

            Paisley's POV     

Im on my way to school when I notice that I didn't meet up with sarah like I usually do."She must be there already" I say to myself. I continue my walk to school. When I arrive I look for Sarah but I don't see her. Maybe she's running late..... The bell rings interrupting my thoughts. I head to my locker and get my stuff for class. I walk in the room and take my seat beside Taylor ( he is SO hot ). I look about the room and don't see Sarah. Maybe she is under the weather... I decide to send her a text.

*Me: Hey I noticed you weren't here :( Are you feeling ok?

I feel a nudge and look up to Taylor pointing to the teacher. I quickly put my phone in my desk and pull out a book pretending to read. He walks by and doesn't say anything to me. Phew that was close. "Thanks" I whisper to Taylor. "No problem" he whispers back and winks. I giggle and put my book in my desk and listen as the teacher takes attendance. After attendance the teacher hands out a blank paper to everyone and explains what we will be doing for art. After 2 periods of art its finally time for lunch. I pull my phone out from my desk and check my text messages. Nothing. Usually when Sarah is sick during school she tells me. Somethings wrong....


Sarah's POV 

"Let go of me!" I say angrily to Will. "No can do sweet heart" says a voice that sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Out walks a man that I haven't seen yet but I already know its Joel. By the way he orders him around I know he's the leader of there gang. "DON'T call me sweetheart" I say irritated. Joel just chuckles. "Jerk" I mutter. Joel walks over to me and inspects me. "What do you want with me?" I demand. "What's your name?" He asks. "What do you want with me?" I ask again. 

"What's you name?"

"What do you want with me?"

"TELL ME YOUR NAME!!" Joel yells in my face.


Joel lets out a frustrated scream. "ERRRRRR!!!" I mock him. "Don't mock me" he says. "Don't mock me" I mock him hehehe. "Ok if I tell you what I want from you, will you stop mocking me and tell me your name?" Joel says calmly. I ponder this before I nod my head yes. 

"Ok so I sent by boys out to find a young girl to kidnap, and they found you so thats who they stole. So you weren't picked specifically but any girl-"   "Why?" I interrupt him. "Let me finish please." he says, and I do. "You were kidnapped because no one around here will cook and if they do there food is gross. Also no one will do the dishes after so basically I kidnapped two kids to use as my maids." Joel finishes. Wait did he just say TWO kids?? I think my confusion shows on my face because he explains himself.

"I kidnapped you and some boy. Sean would you bring the boy in?" Joel looks at Sean. "Um she kinda shot my foot so I cant really walk...." Sean trails off. "Ok then Karl will you go get the boy?" Karl opens his mouth but gets interrupted by Mike. "Joel she shot his hand so he wont be able to keep ahold of the boy, but I will go and get him". Joel looks at me in disbelief. "You shot two of my men?" He demands. I nod. "Ok then I don't want to know but you two boys can have some time to recover. As for you" He turns to me and puts his face right up to mine. "You hurt my men again and      I will hurt you, got it?" He says. I nod and he pulls away.

"Mike!" He calls. Mike comes out with a boy that looks my age. "Here sir." He says. "Good. I want you and Will to take these two and tie them up in the spare room. Oh and make sure there tied up enough that they don't escape this time" He says and the 2 guys holding us nod there heads. They lead us up to a room and puts us on chairs. Will ties my hands to the back of the chair and my legs to the legs on the chair. Mike does the same to the boy. "We will be guarding outside the door so don't even think about escaping" Will says. Then they leave the room closing the door behind them.

"Hey im Sarah" I say to the boy. He's silent and I don't think he's gonna answer. Then he say's quietly, "My names Jake. Uh when did they kidnap you?" he asks quietly. "Last night, what about you?" I ask him. "Two days ago" He looks down. "How old are you?" I hear him say. "13 but ill be 14 soon, what about you?"   "14" he states. "I was supposed to go to WestMount public school for grade 8 because I just moved here, but they kidnapped me before I got the chance." He tells me. "Oh I go to that school and im in grade 8 too." I tell him with a smile. "So if we ever get out of here then we would be going to the same school." He smiles at me and I blush. He's kinda cute..."Wait I just remembered something!" I say. "Shhhh not so loud they will hear you" Jake whispers to me. "When I tried to escape I found a knife and put it in my pocket blade up" I whisper excitedly. "Sooo?" Jake asks confused.

"Soooo I can do this" I say. I start moving my hands up and down against the blade hidden in my pocket. I can't believe those guys didn't bother to check my pockets or even notice it when thet tied me up. I feel the rope coming loose then it snaps and my hands are free. I pull out the knife and start to cut the rope on my feet. "Don't forget about me" Jake says. The rope on my feet drops and I rush over to him and quickly cut his ropes to. "Wow your beautiful and intelligent" Jake whispers. I blush and look up at him. "You think im beautiful?" I ask him in a whisper. "Yea" He whispers back. 


Awwwwwwww thats so cute! 

So what do you guys think of jake? I know i didnt explain his apperance but i will in the next chapter. I hope your enjoying my book so far :)

<3 Allison <3 

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