{2} Tramp Stamp

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"Can I ask you two something." I speak up as I park in front of the old Hale house. They don't say anything so I take it as a sign to continue. "Why'd you bite her?" I ask, knowing that I don't have to specify who I'm talking about.

I groan as another wave of silence fills the car. "Listen guys." I start, turning my body to face them. "I'm experienced in a lot of things. But not this whole friendship trusting thing, so you guys are going to have to stop keeping things from me that makes it more difficult to not want to kill either one of you." I dart my eyes angrily between the two.

"She was poisoning Scott with wolfsbane, and when I went in to get him out she attacked me so I had to bite her." Derek speaks quickly, no emotion to his voice or on his face.

I feel my face drop as I quickly turn to face forward. "Oh. Well look at the bright side Scott you're really hard to kill if my mom wasn't able to do it." I rub the back of my neck, and clear my throat. "Sorry about all that." I quickly add.

Derek exits the car first, quickly grabbing Isaac out and hoisting him on his shoulder.

Scott gives me an almost apologetic look through the rearview mirror. "First of all you shouldn't be because you didn't do anything. And secondly I didn't think you would have believed us if we told you." Scott states, a somewhat confused look on his face as I exit the car.

"I was actually asking myself 'why am I not surprise' rather than if I should believe you or not." I admit, letting out a small sigh. "But either way thanks for telling me the truth and not some bull."

"So it doesn't bother y--"

"We're trained to get over deaths by removing all emotional ties to the situation." I explain cutting him off. They both raise an eyebrow at my explanation.

Luckily Scott's phone starts to ring, causing them both to just drop the subject as they hurriedly walk inside. Looking towards my car and the front door I contemplate on whether or not I should just leave to my apartment.

After a few moments I make up my mind and walk inside the old burnt up house.

I would leave but it's not exactly like I have anything else to do seeing as how I don't, well more like can't, hunt anymore. And I don't work till tomorrow either anyway. "Are you gonna tell me who that was back there? That Alpha." Scott specifies as I walk up besides him.

Derek looks up from his spot where he's crouched down before answering. "A rival pack. It's my problem. I know you wanna help, and you did I owe you one." He stands, with a handful of a purple flower, and walks over to Issac who's sprawled over a table. "Now go home. Go back to being a teenager." He instructs Scott.

Scott turns to me, a hopeful expression on his face that I'd tell him more. I shake my head. "J'étais en France tout l'été." I answer, turning his expression from a hopeful one into a confused one, making me laugh before walking over to Derek.

"Uh, hey, Derek." Scott begins, causing Derek to turn his head to face him as I begin to pluck the flower off its stem. "If you wanna repay back that favor now...there is something you can do for me." He finishes, a slight hesitation to his tone.

Just as he finishes Stiles storms in with a face that clearly shows he'd rather be any where but here. His face goes from annoyed to wide eyed and terrified when he spots me standing by the table.

"W-what is she doing here she's going to kill us!" Stiles exclaims widely, throwing around his hands in the process.

"Well first off she has a name and secondly I'm actually trying to help, so stop screeching like a mad woman." I retort, not wanting to have to deal with him being all annoying anymore then he wants to see me right now.

How The Mighty Fall {Sequel to NOTH} *editing*Where stories live. Discover now