{15} Terrible Human Beings

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We walk around for abit while the twins and Kali ran ahead looking for something--or rather someone. Deucalion applies pressure to my shoulder, causing me not only to mentally curse but also stop.

I'm pretty sure the asshole is just doing it to piss me off because last time I checked he's blind, not mute. The florescent light of a small bug catches my attention as we stand in the small clearing.

"It's a firefly." Scott comments, the small bug having also caught his attention.

"Unusual for this region." Deucalion remarks, no longer wearing his sunglasses.

"It's because of Jennifer, isn't it?" The teen looks over at the 'blind' alpha with a serious look on his face.

"Just before all this started a deer crashed into Lydia's car. The cats went crazy at the animal clinic. Birds flew into the highschool. That was all her." He states, having finally pieced everything together.

"They say animals can sense natural disasters when they're about to happen. Maybe they can sense supernatural ones as well." Deucalion hints.

"Does she scare you?" Scott bluntly asks. I look over at him, not being able to decide if he's either extremely brave or extremely stupid for asking.

Deucalion remains with a passive look on his face despite the sudden accusation. "She concerns me if she's willing to kill that many innocent people for her cause, people like your mother, and Alice's and Stile's fathers."

"Are you willing to kill innocent people?" I question, looking over at Deucalion with a hardened expression.

"I'll kill any living thing that gets in my way." He responds simply.

 We hear a somewhat distant howl, causing the conversation to come to an end. Deucalion digs his claws into my shoulder, and I inwardly flinch as I begin to lead him in the direction of the others.

The three of us are quiet as we walk into another clearing where the rest of this deranged alpha pack is waiting around someone. It's not until the twins move out of the way that I see who it is. Deaton's sister.

Deucalion takes his claws out of my flesh and proceeds to move ahead with only the aid of his cane. I roll back my shoulder, feeling the sticky presence of blood from the closing wound. Scott gives me a look, basically asking if I'm alright.

If only he'd know of all the much worse situations I've been through. I smirk and nod my head before looking to see how they're going to kill her.

Even if I haven't been told what it is they are doing. We'll even I know that the 'alpha of alpha's' wouldn't waste all his resources on chasing someone if he wasn't going to kill them.

"How did you know that we'd come for you?" He asks mockingly.

She looks between the wolves surrounding her and then back to the one walking closer. "Because Jennifer and I are the same. And I know you've always been suspicious of us, of what we can do."

"With good reason." Kali interjects. "We know you sent that girl--the one who helped Isaac."

At this point I'm slightly confused despite the knowing look on my face. Because I have no idea who the heck they're talking about.

"What was her name?" Deucalion questions.

"Braeden. And I sent her to do what I've always done, maintain balance." Morrell replies, causing my eyebrow to raise at the sound of the familiar name.

Braeden. Haven't seen my friend in quite the long time. And it's a good thing she hasn't, because the bitch owes me one-- big time.

"What do you know about Jennifer?"

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