{10} The Little Girl Who Grew Up To Be A Monster

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"You have to be fast Alice because the majority of the time your opponents will be much bigger then you." I duck a punch, bringing my knee up to their mid section. My sparring partner stumbles but quickly regains their balance.

They bring their fist down to the side of my head but I manage to bend back and avoid the hit. Raising my leg up I kick them in the back of the knee, causing him to buckle forward. I don't anticipate his elbow to shoot up and I take a direct hit to the eye.

I bite down on my lip to keep myself from yelping out on pain. He stands up and swipes my feet from underneath me. My back hits the floor roughly, knocking the wind out of my lungs. The bottom of his boot presses down on my throat, slowly cutting off the oxygen.

I grasp at the end of his boot, but I know I can't knock him off and I'm losing consciousness fast. Moving my leg up, I hit him in the back of the knee. He doesn't expect my hit so the pressure on my throat loosens enough for me to roll out from underneath his shoe.

I stand up, ignoring the searing pain from my eye and throat. Getting in a fighting stance I prepare myself to charge. He does the same, but my instructor steps out into the middle of the mat and ends the spare. "That's enough for the day."

I stare over at her in confusion as my sparring partner for the day leaves. "Come over here and let me see that eye." She instructs. I nod and walk over to her, my fourteen year old frame small compared to hers. Her hand goes over my eye before prodding at my throat.

"You need to be fast and strike when they're down Alice. You made the mistake of letting him get up before attacking, instead of attacking right after you got out of his hold." She tells me.

I nod my head, practically worshiping the words she tells me. And I do seeing as how she's much more experienced then I am. "I'm sorry, Kate. I'll remember that next time." I apologize, taking the tape off my hands.

She smiles at me and pats my shoulder. "Remember because if you don't then it could lead to getting bit. And I don't want my favorite niece to have to be put down." I laugh despite the severity of her words.

"I'm your only niece despite Allison. And she doesn't go around picking fights with mutts like we do to bound." I joke back.

Three days.

Its been three days since I woke up from that horrible thing happened to me. I shift my head on my pillow and look over at the clock on the wall. 3:30, but who knows if its a.m. or p.m.

I angrily gnaw at the inside of my cheek, today is going to be the day. I can just feel it in the air, but hopefully no one else can. Laying my head back on the pillow I try to adjust myself as best as possible. But there's only so much you can do when you're being restrained as much as I am.

Both my legs and arms are tied down by a thick white strap that match the one across my stomach as well. All because I tried to go out the hunter way, unfortunately I wasn't quick enough.

When I first woke up I didn't know what happened. All they told me was I already knew, that the alphas attacked me.

That I knew, but I didn't think anything of it, even if I felt that something was off. But I stayed in the bed recovering and I choose to ignore the fact that Deaton was the one coming into check on me.

I also choose to ignore the fact that I wasn't even in my room. But instead a dimly lit room with thick concert walls and only one door to get out. No windows. No other exits.

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