{19} The Misadventures Of Scarf Boy

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"Great. That's the fifth pencil holder I've had to replace." I drop the crushed metal into the trash bin before turning around in my seat. Only instead of finding an empty front room, I find Scott and Stiles standing with equally questioning looks on their faces.

"Man I really hate working the front desk." I let out an annoyed sigh. Turns out that the officer who got sick had pinkeye and gave it to a few others. This is the moment in my life were I'm actually happy to not be human, so you know, I don't contract disgusting things in my eye

"We wanted to ask you something." Scott speaks up first as I type away on the keyboard.

"Thought so. You two don't exactly seek me out unless you want to ask something or are helping me with something...weird." I point out, clicking save on the file before looking up at the two. "So what do you guys need?"

"Have you by any chance seen or been in contact with Derek lately?" My eyes shift over to Stiles, noticing how sick he not only sounds, but also how pale he looks. Well more pale then usual I guess.

"No, not since he left. Hey are you okay?" I question, changing the subject. He nods his head in response and looks over to Scott. "Allison and Lydia already told me what's going on." I explain.

"And I also heard about the coyote. Which I'm assuming has something to do with you guys looking for Derek. But since he's not around then maybe you should head over to that boss of yours, Scott." I hint the fact that Deaton will most likely already have something for them to use.

He nods his head before pushing off the desk. "Thanks, Alice." Scott calls out as the two of them rush out the doors of the police station.

I watch them both till they're out of sight the whole time thinking that Stiles really does not look in any form okay.


I see the pack of teens all huddled together as I pull my car up besides Allison's. Stepping outside I shut my door before heading towards the trunk. "You were right about the trigger malfunction in the other one, Allison." I comment as I take the black box out and walk towards where they're all waiting.

"Did you bring the gun?" Isaac asks as I set the case on the hood of my car.

I turn around with the replacement gun in my hand, and look at him dumbly. "No, I'm going to make Allison shoot bullets out of her nose."

Allison looked offput by my words and frowns. "I thought you were going to do it?"

I shake my head and hand her the gun. "Nope. So let's get these tranquilizers and go find ourselves a coyote." Right as I say that, a loud gunshot echos through the woods. I look up along with the other two werewolves having heard it much more clearer.

"He's going to kill her." Scott mutters in a panicked tone before hoping on his bike. Stiles tries to stop him but he just rides off without a second thought. Isaac runs off after him and I see the three teens still here looking at me expectantly.

"Great. And I just got these shoes too." I mumble under my breath, nodding my head for Allison to follow me. You know, since I can smell everything within a twenty mile radius.

We weave through the woods, and I try my best to not out run my sister. Another guns shot rings loudly and I pause only to glance back at Allison who has a worried look on her face now. "Alice you need to lock onto her--"

Allison is cut off as Isaac's loud scream of pain rings in my eardrums. I slap my hands to them, trying to drown out the noise. "Okay, that hurt like hell." I let my hands drop as Allison runs off towards where the scream came from.

We spot Isaac hunched down in the middle of a very small clearing. Even from here I can smell the blood seeping out of his wound. "There he is." He nods his head towards the area infront of us.

I stand up and see that Mr. Tate has a gun in hand and is aiming to shoot again. That man is just all kinds of red-neck crazy. I look over to Allison to see her shaky as she lines up her shot.

"Hit him, Allison." I instruct, causing her to take a shaky breath and look through the sight of the gun. She takes a shot but ends up missing and hitting a tree several feet away from Mr. Tate.

"Al, you have to do it now or he'll kill her." I say with a little too much force. She looks over at me with wide eyes and I shut mine tight knowing that they're not my normal color.

"Allison, breathe." Issac instructs in a much calmer voice. I open my eyes and see her take a very deep breath. She lines up the shot again but this time she quotes our new family motto under her breath.

Pulling the trigger, I watch as her shot hits the man directly in the neck. The three of us let out a relived breath as he falls to the ground, no longer a threat to his own daughter. I crouch down and look at the trap scarf boy is still trapped in.

"As much as think you deserved this how about we see if I can pry this open." I say, earning a glare for the first half of my sentence. "Oh god why does blood smell like that?" I complain while looking down at the blood dripping down his leg.

"You guys, she's gone." Allison informs us, making me accidentally let go of the trap. Isaac lets out a growl of pain and I just shrug as he glares at me.

"My bad, scarf boy. How about we try again only with almost chopping your leg off." I attempt to pull the trap apart but fail--only to have my own hand get trapped along with it.

"Alice!" Allison crotches down infront of us but I wave her off with the hand that's not clamped down. My hand is pulsating underneath the metal spikes of the bear trap, and I guess I'm lucky that it went through my palm and didn't chop off any fingers.

Something tells me that even with werewolf powers those won't magically grow back.

"Listen, Issac, you're going to have to pull by yourself or else this thing's going to not only chop my hand off, but also your leg." I take a deep breath though my nose and nod for him to try.

He looks skeptical himself but nods his head and places both hands on the trap. Isaac struggles for what seems like an eternity, but then a loud howl of a werewolf suddenly makes his eyes glow. I feel mine grow a much more vibrant blue, feeling the overwhelming sense of not only power but also of. . .belonging.

Issac lets out a growl before successfully yanking the trap apart in his hands. I stumble back, holding my now healing hand close to me. "Oh god, lets not do that again." I pant. When my sight drifts upward I met with both teens smiling at me.

I raise an eyebrow in question and stand up. "What's with the happy go lucky looks?"

"You're part of our pack now." Isaac states as we walk towards where our cars are at. I furrow my eyebrows, not entirely sure if that's a good thing or not. Deciding just to deal with it later I don't say anything.

"And you called me Isaac not scarf boy." He smirks making me punch him in the shoulder. I smirk back as he tries to hide the look of pain and indiscreetly rub his shoulder. Looks like being a beta has it's perks of much more strength.

"Well don't get use to it scarf boy because you still bug the living shit out of me."



As promised a new update on Friday. And yes, this title is thee most beautiful one I have constructed to this day (that is if you understand the reference).

So there's lots to talk about today like Derek not being in this update like I had said he would be. Sorry about that, I had to save that little reunion for next time after I rewatched the episode and saw that he wasn't in Beacon Hills yet. Oh and the biggest thing is that Alice ended up unknowingly letting herself join the super awesome fun time McCall pack.

That my dear friends will come with alot of good things but also shitty things as you probably already guessed. And also alot of Alice being stubborn when it comes to having someone in the chain of command above her.


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