{17} Everything's Better In French

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The swift punch knocked me off my feet and sent me flat on my butt. She pressed down the bottom of her boot hard on my neck. "What the hell is wrong with you, Alice? You've been way too distracted the whole day."

I looked up, my blue eyes meeting her own, as she removed the pressure off of me. Of course she can tell that I am. Without a word I lifted myself off the floor and began to remove the tape off my hands.

"Nothing." I shortly responded after a few seconds of her scrutinizing stare, and moved to step off the sparing mat.

She followed behind me and idly sat down on the bench where my duffle bag was at. "Bullshit. You're my favorite niece and I know when something's up." She paused for a few seconds as I zipped up my bag.

"Is it that Sam kid again?" She questioned, although her tone implied that she knew it was the answer. Great, might as well tell her.

I nodded my head and took a seat next to her. "He's moving again. But my dad said that we're staying for a couple more years." My eyes where trained ahead on the mat I was getting owned on just a minute ago.

"That is just priceless, Alice. Don't tell me that your in love with him." She laughed at the pure thought of what she was saying to me.

I quickly looked over at her and shook my head. "I don't love him. But I do care about him, he doesn't treat me like the rest of the assholes I've dated."

She narrowed her eyes, her cold stare felt like it was penetrating my very thoughts. I don't know what's been wrong with my aunt these last few months. Lately she been acting sorta offish...and not to mention being a bit of a bitch too.

Her eyes quickly changed back to her usual laid back appearance and she smiled. "Good. And here's a word of advice that you should think about when ever you let someone get to your head."

My aunt stood up, looking down at me as she spoke. "Don't depend too much on anyone. Because even your shadow leaves you when you're in the dark."

I don't know what it is about that memory, but it sparks another I didn't know I had in the back of my mind. One that shows where the Neamton is at.

I abruptly sit up with a sharp gasp. Another gasp escapes my mouth as my eyes strain to adjust to the harsh light. "Ah what the f--" An excruciating pain shoots up my spine and I almost fall off the bed thing I'm on.

A pair of hands gently sets me back down as I feel the cold sweat drip down my face. Someone brings a moist washcloth to my forehead and I can't help but let out a low whimper from the sudden intensity of the pain.

My eyes finally adjust with a few more blinks and I see that I'm in the vet clinic. "Okay, I'm starting to think you guys are making some kind of a dog joke." I'm surprised by how normal my voice sounds despite being knocked out for who knows how long.

"So this is the Alice I've heard about? An unfamiliar voice to me, speaks up.

"Sweetheart, you're saying it as if I wasn't the queen here." I remark to the young girl. Who looks an awful lot like someone I know.

"Oh. This is Cora, Alice." Lydia introduces, seeing my confusion on who the other teenager is. My eyebrow raises as I slowly sit myself up and push the wet cloth off of my head.

"Cora? Wow you look alot different when you're not about to die." I remark, earning the infamous Hale glare from the brunette. Yup, she's definitely his sister.

"Right, probably should have kept that to myself. Anyway. You know I normally can't decide if I want to kill your brother or have his babies." I admit with an annoyed smirk on my face.

How The Mighty Fall {Sequel to NOTH} *editing*Where stories live. Discover now