Chapter 2

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I stayed at Leah's house and lounged around mostly eating junk food and watching romance movies.

I was so lost I didn't want to go home yet because I know my parents would ask too many questions not to mention my stepmother and my father are both on my sister's side when it comes to everything.

"On today's matchmaker stories there has been a marriage announcement for.." I suddenly turned around and looked at the T.V and I was so disgusted at what the man said:

"Nick Chase and Beth Pike, look at the happy couple".

I couldn't believe it, they were going to get married ?!.

I couldn't even tell my parents about what she did because they didn't know about my engagement to Nick I thought it was a one night stand why is this happening to me?.

A few minutes later the door flung open and Leah stormed in

"Nick is an idiot and the engagement is probably fake ok?".

"If it was fake why would they even have that one-night stand 5 weeks before the engagement," I said holding a cup staring out of the window

"Look forget him he is a waste of your time. Also, I don't want to ruin the mood but you are gonna have to go soon Dime ".

"Can't we just live together?" I said hoping for a good response. 

"Well I'll think about it for now let's have a girls night out at the club!" she was so enthusiastic about it so I said

"Well your right I need to get my mind off him "

We arrived at the club and it was great I mean I was having fun but then some random dude took Leah away.

"I guess I'll go to the bar and get something to drink" I sat down and order something I only had a little about of money because I borrowed the money from Leah. I felt useless.

*2 hours of drinking later*

God, I feel so dizzy and hot I feel so sick. Then I saw a blurry figure in front of me and I looked up.

It was Beth!

I didn't know where I was either I'm guessing she kidnapped me. She then said so proudly

"Well sis here's an early engagement gift, not as you engaged any more but whatever, I guess Nick found someone better " I couldn't say anything I was cold and warm at the same time I was confused it hit me

"Beth how could you? You drugged me!".

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