Chapter 18

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Who was he and was he someone important? That's all I could think after she asked me the question. Leah looked at me for an answer Liam placed his arm around her to calm her down. They gave me a kind look.

"No, I don't know. Why?" I was curious because why would she ask me this?

"Well I know I can trust him to look after you because he looks trustworthy and I know he cares about you also..." She picked up a magazine and looked at it examining through it then stopped and looked at me.

"Your husband is a very important man Dime!" I was confused I didn't know what to say or do. Liam then looked at the magazine and looked speechless.

"The man you have married is..." I was extremely eager to find out what she was talking about and become less confused. Liam looked like he had seen a ghost in the magazine and Leah looked like this was some big secret. This is probably some joke she is pulling on me right? I doubt Joey is someone important. My mind felt at ease but then Leah turned the magazine around and said

"Joseph William Houston the billionaire who owns Houston company and may expensive brands around the world!"


My mind froze and my heart ached it was partly my fault I never asked him but he never told me who he was. He acted like he wasn't important. I can't be angry because I probably knew deep down. There were a lot of hints the dress, the house. I can probably never get back at him.

"Leah thanks" I smiled and hugged her.

We arrived at the venue shortly after that. The doors of the limo opened and a grand mansion stood in front of us.
The tall grand pillars stood firm. A butler showed us the way to the hall when the doors flung open to reveal people. They weren't ordinary people thought they were important V.IP's, Bosse's, C.E.O's and more. Leah tapped my shoulder as Liam walked her towards my crowd I think she was trying to say met me somewhere quiet. I walked towards a quiet space in the hall.

"Excuse me, everyone, may I have your attention! C.E.O Joesph William Houston is going to make an announcement about our business connections "

Joey walked forwards and spoke into the mike he looked so professional with a suit and how he spoke. Then I felt like we were from two different worlds he seemed so far away from me. I didn't feel like his wife.

"Thank you and please enjoy this gathering!" He finished his speech and stepped down from the stage. As he stepped down a crowd gathered around him and a woman in an elegant dress came up to him. Who was she? Wait what is she doing now? She placed her hand out and he took it!

They were dancing. I felt like I was going to burst I was angry for some reason. Then I heard whispering

"Oh, my Miss Lola and Mr Houston seem like the perfect couple!" A person whispered

"Didn't you hear he got married!" Another said

"He should marry her instead, she is rich, elegant and beautiful!" So many people whispered. They seemed so perfect and me...

Who was I in this?

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