Chapter 36

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I scrolled down to find pictures of them hand in hand.

I threw my phone down and I just curled up into a ball

Was it happening again? Nick and now Joey

I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I took deep breaths and waited for my heart to calm down.

My ears tuned into the T.V that was now catching up with all the celebrity gossip. The presenter said:

"Today's couple will be Miss Lola and Mr Houston. They sure are a fine pair!"

Pictures just showed it all. Then people said that they were the best couple out there and one person even said:

"I heard he was married but I think Miss Lola is a much better fit"

My heart ached and I didn't know why. I just felt like having Joey all to myself. I knew what was wrong with me but I doubt I would say it out loud.

I was jealous.

Suddenly my phone rang and I leapt up hoping it was Joey but it was my sister.

I picked up the phone to hear my sister say:

"Dime I just saw the T.V and I heard about Joey."

We talked for a while and she comforted me.

I tried to go to sleep but thoughts of Joey just flooded my head and my mind spiralled out of control.

I woke up the next morning feeling really sleepy and worried because Joey was supposed to come home in the morning but he didn't come yet.

I became more anxious as the hour's ticked by and my patients became weaker until my phone rang.

I picked up the phone immediately and answered it.

"Hello Mrs Houston this is Lucas I'm really sorry but Joey has an important event that is happening so he won't be able to come home for a week or two"

"Oh no that's quite all right. I'll just wait for him thank you " I said politely whilst hanging up

He wasn't coming back?

I knew why it was because of that girl. Miss Lolla.

Did Joey even love me any more?

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