Chapter 7

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How could Leah know him? Was he a model or something? Or maybe... Someone important, my mind raced.

"Leah are you sure about this? I mean you could have mistaken him. I mean he could just look like someone you know?"

Leah looked at me then turned around and said: "you're probably right, let's just go back to class ".

Class dragged on and on, I felt like I was there for ages but all I could think about was how Leah said Joey was someone she knew.

I'm probably looking into this too much.

I walked out of class a bit later because the teacher wanted to make sure I was listening and I ended up doing some extra work.

When I walked out I saw a woman and a man hand in hand and they had beautiful luxurious clothing they stood by a limo that's when I knew who they were it was the two people I hated most in the world and the two people I never want to see again it was...

Beth and Nick. I turned around and looked for another exit but before I could move an inch someone shouted

"Running away I see Dime? Nick baby lets go give the wedding invite to Dime I mean she is my- " she sneered and let out a small laugh and said


This was the first time I had seen nick after I found out about his lie. He snickered and looked down at me before handing me the invite, I was so broken and betrayed to say a word to them.

"Well, make sure to wear suitable fancy attire. Bye," she walked away grabbing onto Nicks' arm.

I couldn't help but let a tear come out I thought Nick and I were going to be happy together but I guess not then, I walked home by myself thinking if I should go I didn't want to be shown as weak but I didn't want to be embarrassed either.

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