As a mental exercise, I often plan the murder of friends and colleagues (:

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"Is that him?" Juliet grabbed Shawn's shoulder from where he hid behind Gus.

Shawn straightened, "Yes, and he makes fine orange juice. Total disappointment, though. He was awed by my psychic readings of him. I'm obviously better."

That was, of course, a lie. Sherlock had simply nodded and muttered, "not horrible" before giving Shawn a detailed summary of Shawns child hood. Not only had it been spot on, but he'd known so much more than Shawn could have been able to tell. He wasn't sure how to feel, annoyed, nervous, jealous, challenged. Sherlock was like a tall version of himself, and Shawn wasn't sure yet if he liked him or not.

Juliet smiled, shoving his shoulder playfully as she leaned in to asses Sherlock, "He's not bad looking..." She muttered with a small smile, probably noticing Sherlock's cheekbones.

"Please, he dresses like an old pigeon woman." Shawn argued, glaring at Gus as he gave Shawn a well-she's-not-wrong-though look.

Juliet raised an eyebrow, "Don't worry, I still love you more." She kissed him lightly on the cheek before moving over to talk with John.

John had been a lot easier to figure out. He was an army doctor, from somewhere, and he had a short temper. Shawn had noticed immediately the connection of Sherlock and John, they were very close, even though John looked like he wanted to strangle Sherlock most of the time. But he and Gus were so obviously the better dynamic duo, it wasn't like they had an awesome fist bump.

"The boy was killed an hour before the girl. She attempted suicide in grief, being his sister, possibly girlfriend, but was killed by the same weapon before she had the chance. Were looking for a tall man, six five, approximately. He's not the main killer, no. He's simply a pawn..." Sherlock said suddenly, so quickly that Shawn had to asses the bodies for himself to make sure Sherlock hadn't made it all up.

Shawn immediately caught on about the suicide, and he could tell the boy had in fact been killed earlier before. They'd both been killed by the same knife, but not a very strong one. Shawn fought back a growl when he confirmed the rest of Sherlock's accusations correct, but he was delighted to find that Sherlock had missed one detail.

"Actually!" Shawn yelled, placing his middle fingers on his temples as he met Sherlock's side. He raised a single eyebrow at Sherlock, "You forgot to mention that the boy knew the murderer."

"Yes, I know. I assumed that was a given, considering the paper in his left hand containing an address to a drug store a block away. They must have met somewhere, for some reason. But why would the girl follow?" Sherlock muttered, standing up.

Shawn rolled his eyes, he hated it when there were people as smart as him near, "I think you mean how did the girl follow. He's missing his phone. She couldn't have tracked him."

Sherlock's eyes widened, "Yes, of course! Where is it, did one of you pick it up?" He demanded, pointing to Lassie and the police surrounding him.

"Lassie," Juliet placed her hands on her hips, "Why are you recording this?"

Lassie cleared his throat, lowering his phone and stuffing it in his pocket. "For posterity, O'Hara. And, no," He added, glancing at Shawn and Sherlock, "all we found on him was a screw driver and the card."

"Yes, yes, I heard about that. Let me see it." Sherlock set out his hand, not looking away from the bodies as Lassie hurriedly snatched one of the evidence bags with the card inside and handed it to him.

Sherlock glanced at it dully, until his eyes grew and he turned to John, his eyes wild, "John, he's back."

"Who's back?" Shawn asked, meeting Gus and John in the circle of consulting pineapples Sherlock had formed.

John stared at the initials JM before meeting Sherlock's gaze, "Sherlock, no. You know he's dead. You know."

"He may be dead, but that doesn't mean he's gone," Sherlock told him, a wicked grin forming on his lips, "He wanted us to come here. Of course! It's so obvious!" He turned to Gus and Shawn, "turn on your irritating small car, we need to visit a 711, come on John, the game is on!"

John followed Sherlock-who was sprinting to the Blueberry, and as Gus, Shawn, Lassie and Juliet stared, Juliet whispered, "Lassie, send me that video."

"What? Why?" Shawn asked immediately.

"Because that was hot, that's why." Juliet teased, "now go, and you better be back for our dinner. I expect you at Chucky Cheese right on time."

"Of course, mah darling," Shawn said in a deep voice, kissing her before taking off to the blueberry, with Gus on his tail.

Lassie glanced at Juliet, "You two are having a date at Chucky Cheese? What are you, six?"

"Oh, shut up." Juliet said, watching Shawn jump into the car, she whispered, "be safe, Shawn," before following Lassie to examine the evidence.

Hey! Sorry, this chapter was a little short, but don't worry, there is much Psychlock to come! I hope you've been enjoying this story, and I'm super grateful for all the reads! Later, ma dudes (;

(P.S. I'm just wondering, do you have any ideas for chapter names? I like having famous quotes from Psych and Sherlock as the title, but i'm running out...any help would be awesome!!!!!!)

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